Chapter 8

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Shauna POV 


"Don't push yourself too hard," I smiled at my client. "Don't want to hurt yourself."

"I'm trying to get a shape like you as fast as possible," she laughed. 

"Well then we're going to do it the right way. Our time is up Mrs. Jacobs. Same time tomorrow?"

"Yes. You're really a life savior." She headed towards the showers. Good because she was beginning to stink. Maybe it's just me but I always think bigger people smell worse when they sweat versus a normal sized person. No offense or anything. 

Mrs. Jacobs is a thirty something year old lady who was referred to me by some of my other clients. I know the only reason she wants to work out is because her husband is likely looking elsewhere because let's be real, she got very lazy and packed on some weight. If you have to do all this then let the man go honey. He isn't worth it. I didn't have a client coming in anytime soon so I went to the sports center. It was a part of the gym where they focus on sport related exercises. 

Keion was here teaching his boxing classes and I loved watching him work. It's been a few months since I started here and I have no regrets. This man is fine beyond words. I also have been picking up on a few things. Like how he'll come in earlier than normal and stay really late. I've seen his wife in here a couple of times but not much. You can see the tension between them when they're around each other. I've also caught them in an argument a few times. 

I have to admit she's cute or whatever but she's built like a twelve year old boy. No shape whatsoever. I don't get how she can catch a man like Keion. Although it doesn't matter. I've seen the way he looks at me when he thinks me or no one is watching. I can tell that he wants me just as much as I want him. And I have no problem giving him what he wants.

"Enjoying the show?" Keion walked up to me wiping the sweat off of his face. 

"Eh, I've seen better."

He chuckled. "Is this how you normally flatter your bosses?"

"It's working isn't it?" He shook his head with a small smile. "You're not busy right now right?"

"Yeah. What do you need?" We started walking towards his office. 

"Okay I want you to have an open mind." He looked at me wearily before opening the door and letting me walk in front of him. I'm sure he was staring at my ass so I put a little sway in my steps. "So," I turned to face him and just barely caught his eyes shifting up. Yup, he was definitely staring. I smiled. "I think I have an idea to get more people in here."

"Oh really?" He said sitting behind his desk. "And what is this idea of yours?"

"Well, as you know one of the hardest things for people to do is stick to an exercise regimen for various reasons. One being it gets boring just lifting weights and running on a treadmill all day. And people are more likely to stick to something the enjoy doing."


"So why instead of just being another gym let's host some other means of exercise classes. The younger generation is completely obsessed with dancing and making something fun means they are likely to tell more people about it. I know it takes a lot of time and effort to effectively coordinate exercise routines to songs so I'm not saying it should be mandatory but it's an option for the future. And even though we have a pool there should be other things that young children can utilize. Like an actual hip hop dance class."

"Really?" He said looking like he was actually thinking about this seriously. 

"Yes and we can have something the ladies would enjoy too. A lot of the women I'm now mentoring complain about not feeling sexy enough for their man which is why they start exercising in the first place. I think the best way to build their confidence back up is by giving them something that's fun, fit, and sexy. Pole dancing classes."

"I like the idea Shauna but I don't have the budget for all of these changes. Incorporating music into the regular exercise classes is doable considering we're just adding a more modern twist to everything. But creating an entirely new class let alone two costs a lot and that's assuming I can find someone with experience in those fields."

"Okay we can hold off on a hip hop class. But you don't need to hire anybody for pole dancing. I can teach it."

He raised his brow at me. "You can teach pole dancing?"

"Yes I can. I didn't have money like that growing up so I had to make a few sacrifices in order to pay for school. I worked as a stripper throughout college."

"Were you decent?" 

"Are you implying I can't dance?" I smirked at him. "I can show you better than I can tell you." I got up and went over to the Blutooth speakers he had off to the side. I connected my phone and flipped through my old stripper's playlist. Which basically is a list of songs I'd perform to. 

It was a lot of old 90's-00's R&B and grinding songs. Tank, Pleasure P, some newer Plies songs as well. Also a lot more. I've always been a more sensual dancer to change pace from those fast beat twerking songs. Which makes me perfect for this job. I smirked as I came to the perfect song. I started playing Tank's 'Fuckin with me'. I performed to this song a few times and I always made ten times more than any other girl without having to take much off.

I moved my body to the beat of the song and felt the intensity of his stare on me the entire time. It turned me on and made me want to really sell it. I'd glance at him every so often and would see the lust in his eyes as clear as day. I wanted to go over and straddle him right this moment but I needed to play it safe. 

"Was that enough proof?" I smirked once the song ended. I can tell his friend approved of my dance very much so because of the way he was standing at attention. "You should go and fix that 'boss'." I walked out feeling accomplished. He'll be mines. Sooner or later he'll be begging for a taste. 

Hope you all enjoy. Tell me what you think. Shauna in mm. 

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