Chapter 17

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Sophia POV 


"Aunties!" The kids ran from the room and into the front. I followed and saw them hugging my sisters. Despite the burning anger in my chest, I smiled at how happy the kids were. I knew they missed the family just as much as I did. 

"You guys have gotten so big," Selena said. 

"Hey guys, why don't you go in the room and watch TV while I talk to your aunts for a bit?" I said. 

"Auntie Maria, can we go to your house?" Summer asked. 

"Once you're done with school you're more than welcome to come over okay? Let us talk with your mommy for a little while."

"Okay." The kids left to go back in the room. I got them a game system to preoccupy themselves with so they haven't been pestering me much. Although I would have to let them know everything that's going to happen soon. 

"Girl you're so lucky I came here instead of with Kyng and them," Maria said. "And we had to go through airport security so I couldn't bring my gun to shoot Box's strong lollipop built ass."

"I still can't believe he cheated on you," Tanisha said. 

"Me neither," Kiya said rubbing her swollen belly. 

I scuffed. "Things change I guess. You know I'm not even mad about the cheating part."

"You're not?" Selena scrunched her face up. "Why the hell not?"

"Well, not that mad. I'm mostly pissed from the lying. From making me think everything was my fault. From making me doubt myself and everything and driving me fucking crazy. And then he had the nerve to blame the stress like I wasn't fucking there to take that stress away. I was there! Begging him to open up and be real. To trust me like I fucking trusted him!"

"Should've beat his ass," Maria said. "Or at least blackened his eye."

"I shot him."

"My bitch," she high-five me. 

"Crazy asses," Kiya said. "But I would've done the same."

"Drew would be dead if he even played with the idea of cheating on me."

"Fuck Box. We can deal with him later. What about this girl? What do you know about her?" Selena asked. 

"I had a bad feeling about her since the beginning. Good reason too because I think she planned to fuck him. She stole some of his information and probably mortgaged the house."

"Oh hell no," Maria said getting heated. "What'd you do to her hoe ass? Please tell me she's dead."

"I didn't do anything," I shrugged. 

"Oh nah see we need the address. Because this hoe didn't just fuck your man. She almost had you out on your ass with my niece and nephews. Granted you have millions in the bank doesn't mean shit. It's the principle."

"Chance probably has it. Not me."

"Bet." Maria got on the phone and dialed Chance's number I guess. After a short conversation loaded with curses and threats he finally gave it to her. 

"Y'all record the fight for me," Kiya said. She was going to stay behind with the kids while we handled business. 

"Okay you guys," Tanisha said. "If we're going to do this then I'm setting some rules. We're not trappers anymore and can't be doing shit like this all the time. The only rule is don't kill the bitch. I'm a nurse so I'll telll you all when enough is enough so we don't paralyze her either."

"Well damn that takes the fun out of things," Maria mumbled. 

I chuckled as we pulled up to her rundown apartment building. From sleeping with all those CEO types you'd think the bitch would be smart enough to at least buy a decent house. I bet she's the type to spend all that money on name brand shit just to be living in an off brand worn down roach motel. 

We saw her rushing down some stairs with a suitcase in tow. She caught eyes with me and hers were filled with fear. In no time at all we surrounded her. "Where are you going puta?" Maria asked. 

"I-I-I-uh-" she stuttered. 

"We heard you like fucking other people's man."

"N-No I-" I sent a punch straight to her mouth. I swung on that bitch hard and didn't let up. She tried fighting back but you can tell she never learned how to fight. Soon all the girls joined in. We continued beating her ass until the police showed up and locked our asses up. I didn't even give a fuck. 

Sorry for the late update. Hope you enjoyed. 

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