Chapter 9

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Author's Note: Hey guys! I just wanted to say it's hard writing a book when it feels like no one's reading it. It's not fun forcing yourself to write. So maybe drop a comment/vote or two to show me you're actually interested in this story. Thanks in advance.

Sophia POV 


Pissed isn't even the word. I'm livid right now. It's going on past midnight and Keion still wasn't home. There's not that much damn work in the world especially if you close at eight. This childish ass bitchy attitude he's got is seriously blowing me. 

We've been beefing ever since I took Selena's advice and suggesting a new way for us to handle our finances. I was calm when I explained it but he completely blew up on me before I could finish. The moment I said I talked to Selena and she suggested we split the load he lost it. He kept saying I needed to learn how to keep my mouth shut and stop telling people our business. Been going on a rant about how he's the man of the house and he can pay all the bills I just need to worry about our kids being straight. 

It pissed me off even more because he refused to listen to anything else I had to say and has had major attitude with me ever since. The worst part? As a way to avoid me altogether he tries staying out later on purpose. Now He's literally never around and the kids miss him. This shit needs to end. Plus my mind has been jumping to Shauna a lot lately. There's just something off about her and I can't put my finger on what it could be. 

I saw headlights flash through the window telling me Keion is finally home. Good. I stood in front of the door as he unlocked it and walked inside. He looked at me for a second before coming in and locking it back. He walked around me and straight to the kitchen. I followed him and saw him getting his plate out of the refrigerator. "So you don't have anything to say?"

"I'm not in the mood Sophia."

"I don't give a damn if you're in the mood. It's after twelve Keion."

"I can tell time."

"Then why the fuck are you so late coming home? The kids have been asking for you all damn night."

"Somebody's got to pay the bills around here." This smart ass mouth of his is going to make me smack the taste out of him. 

"And that somebody doesn't have to do the shit on their own now do they? I tried offering help as your WIFE and partner but you started blowing the fuck up for no damn reason."

"No damn reason? You're going around making it seem like I can't pay the fucking bills," he spat. 

"You know me and you know that's not what the fuck I said or meant. I'm not running around screaming that the bills aren't being paid when they obviously are Keion. I called Selena to blow off some steam because I'm under a lot of stress and she offered a solution that'll help both of us. You were the one that made the shit into something it wasn't."

"You just need to mind your damn business sometimes. I'm fine. Don't worry about me." He tried walking out but I blocked the path and glared at him. 

"I'm your fucking wife Keion!" I yelled at him. "You're not going to be dissing me and treating me like this. I have every right to worry about the father of my kids! You're stressed the fuck out and I get the third degree for worrying about you?! That's some grade A bullshit and you now it."

"Sophia move you're about to piss me off." He move me out the way and headed to the dining room with his plate. 

"I don't give a fuck. You've already pissed me off. You're walking around with a big ass attitude like I did some shit to you when all I did was offer to help. You're leaving early and coming back late like there aren't three kids who need you."

"Let's be real, the only reason we're arguing right now is because you're STILL a little insecure ass girl."

I raised my brow and put my hand on my hip. "Excuse me?"

"You've been bitching a lot more lately because of Shauna. I knew this shit was going to happen when I hired her. You're letting your stupid ass insecurities get the better of you. You're really just jealous of me working with her and using any other excuse to hide that fact."

I stared at him for a moment, still stuck on the fact he called me a little ass girl. I'm trying to calculate and figure out where the hell did that come from because I don't recall ever saying anything like that. I'm weary of her yes but I never once brought her up. "You know what? I'm not even about to get into this with you. I should have just stayed my ass in Virginia."

He glared at me. "The fuck is that supposed to mean?" 

"Bye Keion." I turned and went upstairs into the guest room. The way I'm feeling I think it would be best. Mess around and choke him out in his sleep or shoot him. 

I admit I have my fair share insecurities. Everybody has something they're insecure about. Most women don't even think they're as beautiful after one kid let alone multiple ones so yeah, I'm insecure. Do I feel jealousy? Yes because I'm human. But the fact he summed up my feelings into the notion I'm just jealous and my feelings don't matter hurts. It's like he doesn't care about my thoughts at all.

Sorry for the late chapter. Long day yesterday and honestly didn't have the energy to type. With that being said I hope you all enjoyed it. 

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