Chapter 6

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Keion POV 


"Seriously," I sighed as I flipped through the bills. I'm currently in the middle of a game of adulting roulette. Or bill roulette should I say. It's where I have to decide which bill gets paid now and which I have to hold off on. The gym makes a decent amount but not enough to pay for everything in one go so I have to chose which gets paid first. 

Normally, I pay the noticeable things first. Light, cable, insurance things like that. Other things I can hold off on for a few weeks before coming up with the money. I've been dipping way too much into our savings so I'm trying to hold off unless it's absolutely necessary to use them again. I could ask Sophia to help but I won't. Being the man in the relationship means being the provider and I can't exactly provide by asking my wife to pay the bills. 

I want Sophia to live comfortably and not worry about things like this. I know she kind of regrets moving all the way out here and I don't need to give her anymore reason to. I want this move to work out for us. I leaned back in my chair and looked at the cameras. The new trainer, Shauna, was currently helping a woman with her exercise regimen. 

She comes highly recommended from her last job and I've been wanting to add a female trainer here for a while. That way the women would feel more comfortable with coming in and seeing a specialist. Although she wasn't really what I expected. 

Shauna was in great shape but not bulky like I half expected. She was petite with a nice figure. In all honesty, she was fine as hell and I was not expecting to have someone like her working here. Putting her next to Sophia there are many noticeable differences. Shauna had a lot thicker than Sophia and you can tell she was a lot more confident in herself. Before Sophia, those were the woman I always found myself attracted to. Thick and confident. I loved curves and the confidence a woman wore along with them. But most of them I only dated because of their looks since their personalities weren't exactly what I wanted. I honestly had no idea what kind of personality I liked in a woman I just knew that I always lost interest in those women eventually. 

If someone would've told me the personality I wanted in life was the sweet and shy type I probably would've looked at them crazy and keep it moving. But here I am. Although, I kind of wished she was a bit bigger sometimes. I rubbed my eyes and stretched. I think this stress is getting to me. I'm not ungrateful for what I have with Sophia. Regardless of her build that's my wife who had three of my kids. Whenever I needed her she was there. I fell in love with her personality and strength. I have a family so I can't lose sight of that. There are bad days and good days but we'll see it together. 

Shauna in mm. 

Tell me what you think. 

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