Kakashi blinked in silence. He totally forgot his birthday was today. He hadn't celebrated it since – well, nevermind. Birthdays and celebrations just weren't for him.

"Er, thanks for this, Rin, but that's –"

"Hey what about us, Kakashi?!" Obito interrupted with his own irritated tone, "Me and (y/n) went out of our way to show up yet you can't even glance our way? What's up with you?!"

Obito was right. Kakashi didn't acknowledge your presence or even look in your general direction. It really felt like you two were wasting your time there.

"Oh, pipe down already. It's not like I asked you to be here, anyway," Kakashi said bluntly while finally sparing Obito a side-eye glance.

The atmosphere became increasingly heavy and threatening.

With his teeth clenched, Obito had subconsciously balled his hand into a fist. His tone was low but strained and tense, "Exactly what do you have against us, anyway?"

His cool was clearly faltering.

This is new, you thought.

"I don't want you here. I don't know how to say it any more bluntly." Kakashi then turned his body entirely to you, catching your full attention.

"And you. You're not even on our team. Go home and find someone who actually wants to be around you. To me you're nothing but useless."

You heard yourself inhale a quick gasp. Deeply hurt by Kakashi's words, your vision began to blur with tears while Obito's turned red, both figuratively and literally.

"Wait guys," Rin began. "Everyone just calm d-"

Sounds suddenly hit your ears. First was the sound of air moving, then flesh making harsh contact with flesh followed by a rough smack against wood. Before you or Rin could register what happened, Obito had Kakashi pinned against the wall; his mask slid down his cheek enough to display the clear remnants of a fist mark.

"Listen to me, we've been nothing but respectful to you and this is how you repay us?! What has (y/n) ever done to you, huh?!" Obito's rage was inextinguishable. Kakashi blankly stared into the fierce crimson of Obito's eyes.

"Look, say what you want about me, but don't you ever talk to (y/n) like that again. Do you hear me, Kakashi?"

The silence that followed was suffocating. Rin stood motionless, completely stunned. The stillness in the air was accompanied only by the heavy breathing coming from the enraged Uchiha.

"O-Obito..?" you managed to choke out between holding back tears. That was when he finally broke his piercing glare from Kakashi and back to you, his face immediately softening upon seeing your tears threatening to fall.

Obito directed his attention back to Kakashi, muttering, "You're not worth it," before easing his grip off him. His eyes returned to his calm onyx color when he turned to you and Rin.

"Let's go. If he wants to be alone, then fine," he said quietly, though somehow you could tell that he was in just as much pain as you were.

As Obito trudged down the stairs, with you following at a distance, Rin glanced quietly at Kakashi, her eyes heavy with sympathy, yet disappointed.

"This isn't what I wanted," she murmured. "I wanted to prove that you were better, that you were stronger than this. Whatever is hurting you, whatever is making you treat (y/n) like that – we want to help you. We're your friends, Kakashi."

She set down the present, pushing it close to him.

"Come see us when you're ready for that."

At that, Kakashi dipped his head down as Rin turned to catch up with the two of you, leaving him with nothing but his own thoughts.

Rewriting History (Obito x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now