Chapter 5: The Bikini Argument

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“Please!” She begged.

“No, it’s that or I’m not going at all. That’s final,”

Fine!” She grumbled as she made her way out of my room.

“Wait,” I stopped Crystal before she began walking down the stairs. “I have to tell my family about the tutoring thing, I forgot to tell them about it last night,” She nodded her head before screaming throughout the house.

“FAMILY MEETING GUYS!” Man that woman has lungs. Soon enough everyone was gathered in our quaint living room. Crystal and I sharing a large love seat, while my mother, Tyler, and Tommy sat on the old, ripped couch that is as old as I am.

“So what’s up?” My mother promptly asked, getting straight to the point.

“Yesterday I was called down to the principal’s office and…”

“Finally, little miss perfect messed up!” Tyler exasperated.

“TYLER! Quiet! Your sister is speaking!” My mother screamed, and then turned back to me. “Go on sweetheart,”

“As I was saying...I was called down to the main office, and Mrs. Rigid asked me to tutor someone in my grade since I‘ve been doing so well,”

“Are you freaking kidding me? You’re like the only person in the entire world to ever get called down for being good. Just my luck. Can you please mess up once? Please!” Tyler laughed.

“Who are you tutoring?” Tommy piped up.

“His name is…”

“His?” Both my mother and Tyler asked in unison.

“Yes, ‘his’. That’s not a problem, right?” Nobody moved, so I just took that as a ‘no’. “Good, anyways, his name is Alex Rider,”

“Seriously?” Tyler yelled.

“What? Have you heard of him?” Crystal questioned.

“Heard of him? Are you kidding me? He’s as ‘bad boy’ as they get. Figures he would need a tutor. All he ever does is sit around doing drugs, and partying. Not to mention the amounts of girls he’s fu…” Mom cut him off before he could finish that sentence.

“ALRIGHT Tommy, time for you to go upstairs,”

“No mommy, what was Tyler going to say?”

“Grown up things sweetheart, things he shouldn’t be saying around children,” She pushed Tommy towards the stairs as she glared at my brother.

“But I’m a grown up mommy. I’m this many,” He says while putting up a fist full of fingers. “Which means I can go to school like grownups do,” He is so innocent, and cute.

“Yes, you’re my big boy, but right now the big boys in the house need to go to their room for a nap,”

“But I’m not *yawns* tired,” We all laugh at his lie.

“Go to your room, I will be up in a few minutes,” He just nodded his head as he progressed up the stairs.

“Tyler, watch your mouth around him. One day without your phone,” Tyler was about to protest when mom gave him the ‘shush’ finger. “You’re lucky it’s only a day. Next time I won’t be so generous,” Tyler, acting like the 3 year old he really is on the inside, blew a tantrum and stomped out of the house, leaving his phone at the door and trading them for his keys.

Once he was out of the house, my mother regained composure, and walked back to the couch.

“So, Crystal, what do we owe the pleasure?” My mother asked. She’s always been very proper, and poised. She never cries in front of us. Not once have I seen a tear fall out of her beautiful hazel eyes. I did, although, hear her cry once. The day she found out she was pregnant with Tommy, and the day dad left us. Needless to say, we don’t speak of that day.

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