"No I don't," Sophie replied.

"You're a bad liar mommy," she laughed and it made her heart wrench even more. She was so much like Brian in so many ways. They had the same colour hair, the same eyes, the same mouth and the same personality. It hurt Sophie to look at her sometime because it bought back the past, something which she was trying to get away from.

"How about I call Tom and he can take you to the beach and I'll join you later? Mommy has somethings she needs to do," Sophie told her daughter.

"Okay!" she replied and I let out a sigh of relief. It was a good job that she liked Tom and Sophie did too. He has been Sophie's rock since Brian and she couldn't thank him enough. He was the complete opposite to Brian and that gave so much comfort to Sophie. She didn't have to think about him when he was around.

Sophie quickly grabbed her phone and called Tom and without hesitation he accepted. She thanked him for her wonderful present and ended the phone call. She quickly got Evie dressed and Tom collected her without asking too many questions about where Sophie was going. Tom was worried about her because he knew she was going to see Brian and that hurt him. He really liked Sophie and wanted to be with her but could he really compete with Brian? He was the love of her life and gave her a beautiful child.

Once they were gone, Sophie dashed upstairs and got ready. She planned it all out. She knew what she was going to say to Brian. She needed to tell him to stop contacting her because she had moved on. Sophie was beginning to always be miserable and depressed, even her daughter could tell and that didn't sit right with. She had to put her daughter first. It wasn't right letting Evie see her mothers depression.

She dressed very casual, in jeans and a tank top. She didn't want Brian getting the wrong impression nor any other inmates looking at her like last time. She rushed down the stairs and grabbed the letter. She headed towards the car and got in, shaking as she did. She was so nervous of Brian's reaction. It wasn't going to go down well. She was going to break her promise to him.

Sophie soon arrived at the murky, run down building they called a prison. It was truly disgusting and it hurt Sophie knowing what Brian was going through. She didn't even want to think about what the other inmates were like. It made her skin crawl and shudder with fear. She walked up to the large, grotty building and the security guard took her name and who she was here to see. She was quickly escorted to a room with tons of cubicles. They had seats either side and a piece of plastic glass between them with a phone on the side.

Sophie was shown to a cubical and was told to wait while they fetch him. She waited for what seemed forever. She felt her nerves rising and her palms becoming sticky. She wanted this to all be over soon, she couldn't bare to be here. The door suddenly slammed open, startling Sophie and Brian was shoved in the room with a guard following close behind.

Brian looked a complete mess. His hair was flat and all over the place. His face pale and eyes bloodshot with purple circles around them. His face had sunken in on itself even more and he had lost an incredible amount of weight. Brian was tired and dirty from working earlier and it showed. It broke Sophie's heart seeing him like this, his hands bound by handcuffs that would leave marks behind. The guard shoved him down on the chair and he refused to look up. The guard took the handcuffs off of him and exited the room, probably watching from a distance.

Brian looked up for the first time to be met by the eyes he has been longing to see for over a year now. He felt his heart soar and he smiled. Something he hadn't been doing very often. Sophie felt her heart race too. The face she had been wanting to see made her want to think about her decision again but she knew that she had to do it.

They both picked up the phone and Brian was the first to talk, "You look beautiful Sophie."

"Thanks," she bluntly replied.

"Why didn't you bring Evie?" he questioned.

"I didn't want her here in a grotty prison and it's not suitable for what we need to discuss," she told him.

"Oh, I guess but I really wanted to see her. After all I've only met her twice." he said clearly upset by Sophie's decision.

"I know but she talks about you all the time. She wants to know so much about you. She loves you," Sophie told him in all honesty.

"And I love her too. It still kills me that she'll be all grown up when I finally get released. I've missed out on so much already," Brian whispered knowing if he talked anymore tears would fall from his eyes and he couldn't cry in prison. He had to be strong to survive. "Oh and happy birthday. I would have got you something but I can't. I wish I could."

"You remembered?" Sophie asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, why would I forget that?" he questioned back.

"Because we haven't seen each other in a while and it's not like we've been able to celebrate it for three years. Look, I came here to talk to you about this situation. We need to talk," she told him.

He realised what she was saying an his eyes widened in shock. "You're going to break your promise. You're leaving me because I'm in here?" he questioned.

"Brian is not like that. I'm trying to do what's best for us. Our daughter is starting to notice how depressed I am and I can't go down the depression route again, not now we have a daughter. I nearly died last time. I can't do this any more. I can't wait for you any longer." she said.

Brian felt like his heart was about to shatter. She was leaving and it hurt so much. He would never see Sophie or Evie again and the thought made him wish it would all end for him. He could feel the tears welling up but he fought them back. "Please don't do this. I love you so much and our daughter. I can't bare to lose you. You two are the only thing that keeps me going in this place," he begged.

"Brian, I love you too so much but I'm scared. We can't carry on like this. Who were we kidding? The day you got arrested it was over. I'm so sorry but it's for the best." Sophie tried to reason with him.

"The best? It certainly isn't for me. Have you concidered my feelings in this?" he spat angrily.

"Yeah," she lied. "It's best for both of us. We can't continue fooling ourselves. We can't even touch each other."

Brian felt like he was being stabbed in the heart over and over again. The pain was unbearable. He slammed his hand against the plastic that was situated between the two of them. Sophie shakily raised her hand to meet his and pressed it flat against the glass.

"This is going to be the best we get. I want to touch you properly. I want to be able to feel your lips against mine whenever I choose. I just want you to be free," she cried.

"Sophie, please don't cry. We can get through this. Please, don't give up," he cried too.

"I have too for all of us. My life's a misery without you by my side. I need to move on." Sophie said, trying to come across confident but she could never fool Brian. "Goodbye Brian." she said as she put the phone down and got out of her chair.

"No please don't go!" Brian shouted, only just been heard by Sophie. Guards entered the room to take Bian away but he could feel the anger, lost and devastation pumping through his veins. He wasn't giving up without a fight. He let all of his emotions take over his body and senses as he lashed out at the guards. He forcefully pushed one away from him as he launched at the other one, giving him a right hook in the jaw. The other guard tried to restrain him and he punched him square in the face, knocking him to the ground, unconscious.

He quickly ran out of the room and turned round the corner to see Sophie signing the paperwork on a desk. He ran up to her and grabbed her. She let out a scream which was soon silenced by his lips pressing firmly against his. She relaxed into the kiss and flung her arms around Brian as he deepened the kiss by pushing his tongue into her open mouth. He explored it, savouring the moment as his hands ran all over her body and she mirrored his actions both of the desperate for each other.

Brian was harshly pulled away from her grasp by three guards. He smiled at her and it reached his eyes this time. "I'm not giving up!" he shouted as he was dragged down the long, winding corridor.

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