the one with realizations

Start from the beginning

She tried to hide the roll of her eyes.

"Lassie, what're you doing there?" Bombur asked.

She smiled slightly at the kindly asked question. "I'm saving these peelings to roast later. The skins taste nicely when cooked and it is best not to let things go to waste."

"Aye," Nori spoke. "I've even eaten 'em in my own soup before!"

Dori looked to his brother in disdain. "I've never cooked you that!"

"I ken feed myself, ye know!"

The two brothers started bickering with each other while Huntress looked up at the disgruntled Gloin pointedly. "You do not have to eat what I make, Master Dwarf, but do not judge those who do."

Gloin looked at her in silent fury. "You shouldn't make a mockery of me, lassie-"

"Gloin, that is enough," Balin spoke as he walked over to them. "Lady Huntress is merely doing her best to help Bombur, and I don't think that you should be trying to find something wrong with what she does."

The older dwarf gave off a calm countenance that even Gloin couldn't ignore. "Aye," he acknowledged to his elder. However, his glare remained when he turned to Huntress. "Just don't mess up, lassie."

She did her best to ignore him when he stalked away. "That was rude."

Bombur and Balin laughed. "Aye, lassie. That was rude, indeed. I will apologize for the behavior of some of the others, especially before we get to know you." When Balin spoke, his eyes turned to the Dwarf King and his brother. "Especially the behavior of some of us."

Huntress chuckled as she started cutting the potatoes into tiny pieces then tossed them in the pot Bombur had packed. "Let me guess: you're apologizing for Thorin and Dwalin?"

The old dwarf had a twinkle in his eye. "I don't know what you're talking 'bout, lassie. But if I did, would I admit it?"

They shared a smile.

After dinner, which was delicious, Huntress noted, she found herself sitting in between the two younger brothers of the company. Fíli and Kíli. It was then that she noted that there was something about them that seemed really familiar. Particularly, Fíli's eyes and Kíli's appearance.

"Why are you so short?" Kíli suddenly asked.

Huntress blinked. "What?"

Fíli hit his brother in the arm, hard. "Owe, Fee! I was just curious!"

"Then be curious somewhere else!"

Huntress let out a small laugh. "It is perfectly fine, Fíli. Your brother can be curious. However, it may do him some good to learn how to frame his questions a bit better."

A few other dwarves that surrounded the trio joined in on the laughter, to Kíli's disappointment.

"He does have a point, though," Bofur admitted. "You're rather short for a Dúndan, Lady Huntress."

The others nodded, including Bilbo who made his way to their little group.

"I've read that the Dúndain are usually over six feet in height, my Lady," Ori pointed out.

"And you're barely five," Kíli finished.

She crossed her arms. "Are you saying being short is a bad thing?"

The dwarves and Hobbit immediately started speaking over each other to try and convince her differently.

"No, I'm not even five feet meself!" Nori.

The Revenge of a HuntressWhere stories live. Discover now