The night was young but my boredom was not... it was high and tall and old... what? I sit on the armchair my feet hanging of the arm rest, twiddling my thumb.
"What's wrong with you?" Ginny says taking her eyes off her homework.
"I'm bored!" I whale and spin around.
"Do your homework"
"I finished it!"
"You have been in hospital and in counselling. How have you had the time?"
"From being BORED!"
"Go and write a story then" Ginny says popping up with the first idea in her head. I grunt and get off the chair. It's time to get inspired.

I run to the first place I think of which just so happened to be totally against the rules. I stumble down the castles steps, past Hagrid's hut and into the forest. I see, from the very edge of the forest, my boulder sitting in a clearing. The sky was turning grey and the wind whistled in my ear. The holes in between the trees peeled out the light of the moon in the sky. I wasn't scared now, after going through what I had been through this week, how could I be?

Draco's P.O.V
The night was falling upon us and that was the time my mind snapped on. Thinking about my week, my traumatizing past and the scariness of the future. This was why I was up till all hours of the night. I watch over the Hogwarts grounds from atop the astronomy tower. It was the same but different. After the rebuilding after the battle of Hogwarts. I didn't even want to come back, horrified of what people should think of me and how they would react to me, my family, my fellow *gulp* death eaters actions. The calming breeze brushed away all dark thoughts and left me with nothing. I just peered our on the grounds. Finally I wasn't thinking about Hermione, or my school work, or life at home, it was just me and the night. Or I thought it was just me. I hear the slam of the grand doors close. And down at the ground, a silhouette glided across the paddock and comes to a stop at the forest. Curiously I jog down the steps and as silently as I could, wander out the door. It was so loud I was surprised I didn't get caught. I ran across the field and the silhouette stayed standing at the edge of the forest. I tried to run as quietly as I could but the long, uncut grass swayed as I hit them and whistled in the wind. I came closer to see the silhouette form into a girl, with curly hair. Until, it walked into the forest and out of sight.
"No." I whisper as if it will stop whoever this mysterious silhouette was. I reached the entrance to the forest and see nothing but thick black trees. I look around all sides of me, nothing! Where did she go! My heart raced as I search. Deep breaths, I step into the woods and heard the slapping of twigs and crunchy leave under my wobbly feet. Just as if it were magic, an opening appeared in front of my eyes. The trees didn't move, didn't sway! But a clearing was right there and in the center, a rock. Atop the rock, a girl, with curly hair.

I took a few steps towards her and my vision focused on her, her hair was brown and long. Her robes where red and yellow and her name was Hermione Granger.
"Oh it's just you." I gasp and let out a sigh.
"Don't need to sound so disappointed." She giggles and spins around to face me. Her face was hit with the only light coming from a gab in the tree tops.
"I'm not." I exclaim and sit beside her on the page Boulder.
"Why are you here?" She asked. Her gaze was directed towards a stick and she didn't look away.
"I would ask the same thing to you! I came after you once I saw you from the astronomy tower."
"Were you spying on me?" Her eyebrows furrow.
"No." I say bluntly and she giggles. She giggle is so adorable that I need to contain myself from doing anything.
"Look at you Malfoy. The hero of the school year."
"Yeah but only to you though."
"I thought you didn't know who I was until just now?" I turn red, thank god she can't see me in this horrible lighting.
"I never thanked you for saving my life the other day." She says taking her eyes of the ground and looking into mine. Her hand touches mine and my body shakes. I wasn't ready for that.
"No need to thank me, I was just happy to have you in my arms again." I joke, obviously to her liking when she giggles. again with the giggles.
"How's your arm?"
"Same as earlier today." She says bluntly. Yeah it was getting annoying.
"Ok how's your heart?" She goes silent. Her eyes fill with tear and glisten in the moonlight.
"Never mind, just forget it said anything." I say and start to get up before she grabs my hand and pulls me back down.
"No, stay, please." She stutters. "No ones asked me how I'm feeling about the whole Ronald thing since it happened. He ripped my heart out of my chest and spat on it. And no one bothered to ask me how I was, tell me he's a sleaze. You did." A tear rolls down her check and sparkles. I wipe it away and feel her hot face. I want her, so badly.
"I still stand by what I said before. He isn't worth it! He doesn't deserve an amazing girl like you!"
"You think I'm amazing?"
"Of course you are! Your always have been!" My emotions rumble up inside me. Why could I not have her. Could I have her!
"What did you mean by you got a lot worse then when I get an 80%?" Oh boy.
"My dad... he wasn't so excepting of me. He kind of thinks I'm a failure. He used to slap me and kick me and leave me with scars and bruises because I didn't get top of the class." I had never told anyone this before. My relationship with my dad had always stayed between me and him because it was to emotional for me to speak about it. Hermione's face drops.
"I didn't know that happened?" She holds her one free hand to her heart.
"He forced me to become a death eater."
"Draco" she interrupts,
"He told me if I didn't he would torture me into insanity. Told me I was a coward."
"Your not a coward Draco!" She says putting hand back on top of mine. The moon was above us, and as if it was a scene out of a movie, the light beamed onto me as I pulled up my sleeve to reveal the hideous tattoo.
"I guess we both have marks representing our dark past." Hermione says with a tiny smile. She grabs her sleeve and pulls it up to her shoulder, showing the mark that haunts me every day. Mudblood.

Draco's Flashback
Granger lay on the floor under my Aunty. Screaming and kicking the ground trying to escape from Bellatrix's grasp. it was like watching your favourite character in a horror movie get eaten alive. 

"why were you in my vault?" she screams at the top of her lungs making the chandler on the ceiling shake.

"i wasn't!" Granger wails. her voice was screeching and crying and made me want to die. it was horrible. 

"I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!" my Aunty yells and starts carving into her soft skin. Granger screams, tears pouring down her face. my eyes water and my flesh begins to crawl

"stop it!" i mumble. 

end of flashback

"I'm so sorry Hermione." i whisper fighting back the tears. 

"its not your fault."

"but i should have done something! and i didn't! i am a coward." my eyes betray me as a big fat tear rolls down my check and drips onto Hermiones hand. she looks up at me. 

"You are the bravest person i know Draco Malfoy." she smiles. tears escape her eyes as well. I've never cried in front of a girl before, let alone Hermione. 

"my family life isn't good at home either." she says looking back to the ground. 


"After I found my parents and gave them back their memories,"

"see i didn't even know that was a spell!" i interrupt and she giggles. 

"they have been horrified to let me out of their sight. they don't want me to run away again and nearly get killed." i thought her life would be fine, her parents are muggles! but the battle had changed everyone.

"My dad got sent to life in azkaban. and my mother is sending herself crazy at home. she never writes to me anymore, stays in the house and speaks to the house elf 24-7. she still refers to her as Dobby."

"that's horrible. I'm so sorry" she says, her other hand was placed on top of ours making mine feel warm and secure. the moon still shone onto us like a spotlight on a stage. I wasn't uncomfortable, I was happy with her. her eyes were all red and so was her cheeks, i can imagine mine were the same. in a place known for being so dangerous, I've never felt so safe. the breeze was soft, and blew her hair lightly which was so beautiful. I wanted her. i needed her. i ached for her again but i was to afraid of what she would think of me.

she gazed at me. i stared back. her mouth gaped open and her pearly white teeth sparkled in the light. she was gorgeous. suddenly, her eyes flutter shut and she leans into me. she gets closer and closer until i lean in as well. Her hot breath hits my face and i tingles, the good tingles. i close my eyes and lean in further until. 

"we cant do this." she stops. i open my eyes and see her looking depressed at out hands still together. i was shattered. 

"why not?" i ask trying to sound as polite as i could but was secretly dying inside. 

"What would people think? they already didn't like the idea of a Gryffindor and a Slytherein. imagine if it was me and you!" she says.

"who cares what people think? the only opinion you should be listening to is your own! i want you Hermione,"

"i want you too," 

"then don't fight it. don't worry about the others, don't worry about the future, just worry about right now." i lean in again, and she leans in too, her eyes flutter shut so gracefully. i close my eyes, holding my breath in anticipations and then.... 

AYE IM GETTING BETTER AT THIS CLIFF HANGER THING AREN'T I? if you enjoyed please vote i would greatly appreciate it. also we are nearly 200 views! in barely a week! you guys are so amazing, i love you all so much. if you have ideas for things to happen comment them and also ideas for other stories!!! BYYYEYEYEYEYEYEYEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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