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Lindsey's POV

"Hey, Max." I greeted my boyfriend. Phoebe and Cherry were with me and Max was writing in 'chronicle' or his diary.

"Writing in your 'diary?' Phoebe joked and I smiled.

"It's not a diary. It's a chronicle!" Max snapped.

"Does it have a lock?" Cherry asked.

"Yes." Max admitted.

"Do you write your dark secrets in it?" I asked.


"Diary!" The girls and I chorused together. Max gave us a glare before he walked away.

In front of us was a guarded off plant and Allison approached us.

"Sorry, sisters. Gonna need you to stay clear of the endangered plant." Allison warned us.

"Oh, was that just like a clever name-" Phoebe sniffed and gasped. "No! That's stinks!"

The plant radiated a horrific scent and I immediately backed away.

"It smells because it's about to bloom." Allison informed us.

"You know, I really do admire all the work you and the 'Green Teens' are doing Allison." I praised Allison.

"Well, you three should join us. I mean you can't imagine the rush of being a hero and saving the Earth." Allison ranted and Phoebe and I shared a look.

"I can't imagine that at all." I remarked.

"Yeah, that's almost impossible to imagine." Phoebe added.

Bradford appeared behind Allison.

"Why is this stupid fence blocking the way to my office?"

I always wondered if Bradford's mom hated him.

"The is a PPC. Plant Protection Zone." Allison explained. "You're gonna have to GTWS. Go Through Wood Shop."

"Are you kidding? Those kids have mustaches and sharp tools." Bradford shot back. "And what idiot gave you permission to do this?!"

Allison handed him a slip of paper and he looked at it.

"Principal Brad-Uhhh..." He handed Allison back her paper and shook his head as he walked away. "Gotta start paying attention to things a little-"

Suddenly, Bradford slipped on some ice that was there and we all gasped.

I let out a small chuckle.

Moments later, Bradford walked by and Max trailed behind him. I gasped when Max slipped on the ice and flipped onto his back.

"I love the sound of pain in the morning." Bradford smirked before leaving.

Later that day, Phoebe, Cherry, and I joined the Green Teens. The shirts were made out of recycle waste from elephants which was gross but if it means helping the environment then I'm all for it.

"Hey, Max." Phoebe greeted her brother as he walked by us. "Did you hear the awful news?"

"That you're talking to me and Lindsey and I haven't spent any time together today? I know it's terrible." Max replied and I averted my eyes.

It's true, Max and I haven't really spent any time together today or yesterday.

"I'm sorry, Max." I apologized and he shrugged.

"No worries."

"Bradford was so annoyed by that stink plant he's gonna rip it out for a place to play golf." Phoebe explained to Max. I don't know why she even bothers to try, Max doesn't care.

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