Family Gathering

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(Lindsey's Bedroom^^. I skipped 'On the Straight and Arrow' and 'Why you Buggin'? I just felt like Lindsey didn't fit in 'On the Straight and Arrow' and for 'Why you Buggin' that did not happen in my story because Max likes Quinn. So, to replace 'Why you Buggin' this is an original chapter)

Lindsey's POV

My cousin, Grace, is visiting and I love her. One reason, we look so similar. Our faces have similar features but you can still tell us apart from up close.

My Aunt Bianca, she's the one with only one child, unlike my other aunt who has five. She has a set of triplets and a set of twins. She wasn't exactly psyched about the turnout but loves her kids. Also, tomorrow my other aunt and her kids are visiting as well and we are having a get together at my house. It's gonna be a hectic day tomorrow.

"Why are you making a huge deal about your cousins coming?" Phoebe asked me as we walked down the steps at her house.

"Because we just get along so well and I have another surprise about the oldest girl." I smiled at her and Phoebe was eager.

"Can't wait."

"If she's related to you, then she must be hot." I heard Max say from the couch and I rolled my eyes.

"Saying stuff like that will involve punishments," I told my boyfriend sitting next to him. Phoebe walked into the kitchen for a snack. "Like no kisses from me."

Max gasped and giggled.

"Max will not let that happen." He shook his head and he kissed my cheek. "Besides no girl is more beautiful than you."

I blushed lightly and let out a small giggle.

"No guy is more attractive than you." I poked Max's nose playfully and he smiled at me.

"I sure hope so," Max told me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

I heard a groan and we turned to see Phoebe standing there.

"I like that you two are dating but please don't do that all the time." She told us, gesturing to our position.

"No can do sis." Max denied.

"I can't promise anything but we can tone it down," I assured her and Phoebe gave me a smile in return.

My phone rang and I pulled it out o my pocket.

"Hey, Danny." I greeted.

'Hey, Bianca and Grace are here.'

"Oh, I'll be right over."

I ended the call and stood up.

"Are they here?!" Phoebe exclaimed excitedly, following my actions.

I nodded. "Yeah. Wanna come to meet them?"

"Yes." Phoebe nodded eagerly and I giggled at her excitement.

"Max?" I asked my boyfriend who was just sitting there.

He sighed and stood up. "Fine."

I kissed his cheek and went to the door.

"Mom! We're going over to Lindsey's place!" Phoebe yelled to her mother.

"Okay!" Barb called back.

I opened the door and the three of us walked out.

"Phoebe, it seems like you're more excited than me." I pointed out noticing Phoebe's huge smile.

"Well, you said there was a surprise. And I like surprises." Phoebe informed and I chuckled with amusement.

"It's probably not a big deal and she's excited for no reason," Max mentioned and I whacked his stomach.

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