Exit Stage Theft

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Lindsey's POV

I was sitting at my locker with Carlotta with my notebook in my hand. I lost my songbook and I was no idea where it was. It was in my locker yesterday and when I opened it today it was gone.

The talent show was coming up and our band was performing at it, along with Max's band. All of us girls were trying to come up with lyrics for a new song and I have no inspiration what so ever. If I had my songbook then I could use one of those songs, but I can't find it anyway.

"You got anything?" I asked Carlotta who was also jotting down ideas in her notebook.

She showed me her notebook and instead of lyrics she drew a smiley face.

I let out a small sigh and closed my notebook. "I guess that's a no."

"Don't give up, Linds," Carlotta assured me. "We have time."

"It's not that, it's my songbook. Someone stole it and I have to find it." I told her. "Some of my most personal stories and lyrics are in that book."

"We'll find it. Kensyn is great at finding things and she will find it." Carlotta informed me.

"She knows how important it is to me," I replied.

"Oh no! My laptop is gone! I can't find it!" I heard Cherry cry out.

I stood up and Carlotta followed my actions.

"Uh, maybe you should retrace your steps?" Phoebe suggested. Max and his band come up to us.

"Good idea! Uh, before I was here I walked into the boy's bathroom by mistake." Cherry explained. "Sorry, Gideon."

"It's perfectly normal to go in there and cry in between classes," Gideon mentioned.

"You're the toilet cryer?" Carlotta gasped.

"You lost something too?" I asked Cherry who nodded. "I lost my songbook and can't find it anywhere."

"Don't you usually keep it at home?" Phoebe asked me.

"Yes, but I brought it so we can practice some songs today."

Cherry suddenly gasped. "I remember! I put my computer in my bag just before the assembly."

"Someone could've stolen them there. I know a kid who got his tablet stolen at the pep rally last week." Oyster informed us.

"Bummer," Max said.

"Yeah, I know, that's awful," Phoebe mentioned.

"No, the kid's name is Bummer Calaway." Max corrected.

"That's a bummer," I spoke and Carlotta giggled.

"C'mon guys, let's go rehearse," Max told his band. He kissed my cheek before he and his band walked away.

"Let's go find Kensyn and Zaria," I suggested to Carlotta. "Bye guys."

"Bye." Phoebe and Cherry told us before Carlotta and I walked away.

"Are you upset?" Carlotta asked me and I scoffed.

"No. Why would I be upset?"

"Because you're hands are white from squeezing so much." Carlotta notified me and I looked at my hands. They were clenched in fists and were a shade of white.

"Okay, maybe I'm upset," I admitted, calming down. Carlotta and I entered the auditorim to find Kensyn and Zaria on the stage. We were allowed to rehearse here for an hour every day. "But I'm fine."

"Don't lie, Lindsey. It doesn't look good on you." I heard Kensyn say from the stage and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not lying," I told her, lying straight through my teeth. "I mean it's not like some of my most personal thoughts and feelings are in that book. And it's not like if someone read  those and told everyone then all my secrets would be out." I scoffed. "It's fine."

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