Chapter 24

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Ari P.O.V ***

I walked around my room just looking at everything. I really didnt have shit else to do.

I was 10 am and I hadn't got a hour of sleep. I hung out with this girl name Lovely and her son Prince at the beach for a few hours until he got tired and fell asleep. Then we decided to go back to our places. Ive been thinking and walking around since then.

I was so fucking tired but I wasnt sleepy if that made any sense.

I was more or so ready to hear what was going on and get some answers. Thats what I needed.

I flopped down on the couch looking at the blank tv running my hands through my short jet black hair.

" Dont turn it on " I tell myself. I needed silence and too think. But this was going to drive me fucking crazy. I was gon over think my self.

I grabbed the remote and flicked on the flatscreen. I flipped through the channels trying to find the news. I wanted to make sure I wasn't on there. There was just some b.s and other things going on. Nothing important.

knock. knock. Knock.

" Who is it? " I asked getting defensive.

" House keeping " The strong Jamaican voice says. I looked out the pep hole and seen an older brownskin woman with a cart. I opened the door for her.

" Its still clean, Thank you anyways though "

" I'll come back later, Chile. " She smiled at me. I nod my head and closed the door going back to my seat.

Tammy still hadn't got in touch with me and neither did my brother. I wanted to call them , But I didn't want to mess anything up and risk me going to jail.

I wasn't doing time. At fucking all. Not even a week or over night. I don't do jail.

I laid on the couch putting my feet up and closing my eyes. I got comfortable before closing my eyes and pushing myself to fall asleep.

                       I don't know what I dreamt about. Or if I dreamt at all. Shit, Probably being back home and shit like it use to be.

I know I tossed and turned on that couch.  Nothing close to a peaceful as sleep came to me.

When I woke up it was late in the evening. The sun was low and the suite was quiet.

" this lonely shit for the birds , B " I say out loud shaking my head rising up from the couch.

I know just what I needed. But where to get it....shit, Thats another thing.

I headed over to my bags and shuffled through it trying to find something simple to put on. I found a dress from Vegas and took it out and panties and things and headed to take a shower

If I aint have a blunt in the next few hours I would loose my damn mind.

I took my a long ass hot much needed shower thinking about everything before going and getting dressed and putting on sandals.

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