sleepless nights - jisung

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genre: fluff

The last few weeks you've been lying in bed thinking about your life and all the mistakes you've made, you had many dark thoughts and weren't feeling good as well.
Your boyfriend obviously started to notice after a short while that you didn't catch a cold like you said, it was a more serious problem.
He didn't really want to annoy you or anything but when you didn't come to school for almost a month he started to worry and came over every week.
it made you happier but something was bugging you, you didn't really know what it was but you just felt empty inside.
The nights were lonely and long, you couldn't sleep even if you were really tired, this "tired" wasn't something sleep could fix.
Jisung started to come over every day now and also stayed at your place as long as possible, sometimes he even skipped school just to be there for you and spend time with you.
One day he brought you chocolate and roses, it was your one year anniversary and you forgot, but he wasn't mad at you he just smiled, kissed and hugged you.
The day went by too quick but jisung has decided to come over at your place. the first time you could sleep normally again, it was with him, in his arms.
you didn't know what you did to deserve him but he was there for you, every day, taking care of you and understanding you.
Sometimes he was just there, no talking, but it made you feel so much better. just his presence was enough to make your day.
"Everything is gonna be alright, even if it doesn't feel like anything is getting better, it is. And I'm here with you. just hold my hand. I'll never let yours go."
you didn't think it was possible but just a few words coming from his mouth made you happy again.
Every day you felt a little bit better, you could never thank jisung enough for being there for you in such a hard time and understanding you like no one else.


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