Chapter 2: The Text

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This chapter is told by the POV of Steven

I wake up after a long night of video games. Stupid Joker level. Batman will always reign supreme. I look at the clock and see that its 6:45, time to go pick up Antonio. I comb my hair, grab my backpack, and leave the house. It takes about five minutes to get to Antonio's house and ten to get to Devin's, so I'm right on time.

I'm about a block away and I hear the screech of tires. Probably some idiot dodging a squirrel. I step into the street I need to cross to get to Antonio's block when a car come barreling at me, I hear his brakes screeching and realize its the same car. I know I need to jump out of the way but I can't move. The car is still going really fast as it approaches me. I know I'm about to become road kill. I close my eyes and pray that it don't hurt as much as I know it will. I hear a loud crunch and know I'm dead. I open my eyes and see houses around me and see that I'm standing in the middle of a street.... with a car in front of me smoking from the hood with a large dent in the front and a cracked windshield. I'm alive? How? I stare at the car for a while before the guy gets out and starts flipping out and yelling and pointing at his car. I turn and run as fast as I can to Antonio's house.

"hey what happened?" he asks as I burst through his front door and slam it behind me breathing heavily.

"I got chased by a dog. I'm ok" I say not technically  knowing what really did happen. "we should go get Devin"

"Is he allowed to come back to school yet?" Antonio asks grabbing his backpack and keys

"Ya I'm pretty sure" I say while walking out the front door with Antonio behind me. He locks the front door behind him and we begin walking. It takes us about seven minutes to get to Devin's house, we passed the guy and his car that almost hit me, but luckily he didn't notice me. We pick up Devin and walk to school. Devin and Antonio talk about Devin's fight from the day before but I just think about the car and wonder how it didn't hit me. How could a car going that fast stop so suddenly without hitting me? And what happened to his car? What the fudge is going on?

"Hey, see u two later, I gotta go find Kelly" Antonio tells us as he goes to find his girlfriend Kelly that he has been with for over a year now. Me and Devin walk into the school then he takes off to go find his girlfriend Beth. I'm the only single one of the three if us. I don't know why? I'm not as athletic as Antonio or as smooth as Devin but I am smart and funny. Guess that doesn't get girls in middle school, I hope highschool goes better. As I walk into class my phone buzzes once in my pocket. A text. I sit down and check it, it's a group message from Devin.

'Hey hey everybody, it's Wednesday so you know what that means. There is going to be a new location today. Meet up at the creek down by Burger King, under the bridge. Everybody must bring one other person to compete, today is a special day. Good luck!!'

Oh shit.

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