Sweaty Mornings and Shocking Afternoons.

Start from the beginning

"It's fine Kara." The figure said in a deep voice. Kara immediately got defensive and pounce at the man, turning him around, locking one hand behind his back and the other twisted above his head.

"How the HELL do you know my name and who do you work for?" Kara asked.

"I know your name because we've been friends for a while, and I kinda work for my self." The man said humorously. Kara looked confused at him and noticed the side of his face.

"OLIVER?" She asked. She felt him nod under her grasp. "OH MY GOD! I'm so sorry. I thought you were trying to kill me or something." She explained removing herself from his body.

"It's fine." Oliver winced as he caressed his arms. "I would do the same thing." He noticed a slight blush on Kara's face as he talked. "Hey," He said coming forward and putting a hand in her cheek, "it's okay. You were distracted." He saw her blush go redder and smiled at how adorable she can be even after she almost beat the crap out of him.

"I don't even mean to go this far, I was just thinking about..." she trailed off. Oliver got the hint and finished, but without saying his name.


"Yeah." She said looking down, coming out of Oliver's grasp. "Anyway," she started, looking up at him, "I am headed back to National City for a bit."


"Well, firstly I need to tell people I'm home. And secondly I want to get my things out of the loft and into a hotel, or a storage room while I find a new place either in National or Central or Star."



"You will not go to National City alone and you are most definitely not living out of a hotel."

"Then enlighten me Ollie, where will I stay. I can't live out of Barry and Iris' place. They're married. They need their private space."

"Okay, for one, I highly doubt that they would mind, and second, you are going to stay with me."

"With you? What about William?"

"William loves you. He thinks you're more badass than me. And I'm the Green Arrow." He whispered the last part.

"Are you sure? I don't want to impose."

"Kara, you'd be doing me a favour. Plus Will sees you as a sort of motherly figure anyway, so it might do both him and me some good. And he doesn't shut up about your lasagna and Eliza's chocolate pecan pie."

Kara fake gasped. "He likes my lasagna better than your world famous chilli." Oliver nodded at her. "Well then I'd have to stay then." Oliver laughed at her antics and nudged her to jog with him back to the WestAllen household.

"I knew you'd be doing something like this." Kara stated.

"Something like what? Running?"

"Well either a work out or fighting crime. You really need to learn how to chill out."



"Says the girl who's running beside me right now."

"Well I have a valid explanation for that."

"And what is it?"

"My internal alarm clock always goes off without a hitch."

"You need to fix that while your back."

"Why? I'm probably going to go back in a few weeks or months. Most likely after the medal ceremony."

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