Chapter 4: I can't believe you.

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At the Cove:

Jennessa: "Huh that was close."

Destiny: "Almost to close I could have been seen."

Jennessa: "Yea good thing that didn't happen..."

Ashley: "Guys I have something to say."

Destiny & Jennessa: "Well what is it?"

Ashley: "I love sharing the same secret with you guys, but I don't think I want to be a mermaid anymore..."

Destiny: "Why?"

Ashley: "Its just I can't take it anymore I can't go swimming with my family at the beach, I can't drink or be around water, I can't even do volleyball because It's by the beach. It's so hard to be normal."

Destiny: "I know its hard but we will eventually get the hang of it and once were a mermaid I don't think we can take it back.

Ashley: "I wish we could"

Jennessa: "Come on you don't really mean it do you?"

Ashley: "Yes I do"

Destiny: " Come on how could you say that? This is the best thing that's ever happened to us!

Jennessa: "Yea!"

Ashley: "Whatever."

*Ashley went underwater and out of the cove and swam away leaving Destiny and Jennessa by themselves. The whole time that Ashley swam to the shore she thought about what Destiny and Jennessa had said to her, maybe it isn't so bad being a mermaid. It was just the beginning... :)

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