
The sun was descending rapidly. You had meant to do your shopping earlier but your mission for the day took longer than expected. While passing through the central area of the village, you spotted familiar orange goggles as well as three other forms heading in your direction. Immediately your eyes locked with the dark-haired boy as the two of you exchanged an enthusiastic wave.

"Hey guys!" you beamed. "Whatcha up to?"

"We're making a quick stop to grab supplies before heading out on a mission," Minato answered before his eyes traveled to Kakashi. "Kakashi was just promoted to Jonin and will be leading our squad for the first time," he said as Kakashi broke the gaze he had on you to look in any other direction but yours.

You didn't notice this, however, as you were focused entirely on your blood running cold. Obito began chattering but everything sounded like a blur, your rapidly increasing breathing was all you could properly hear. 

Looking over to you, Rin noticed your discomfort with concern in her eyes. "Are you okay, (y/n)?" 

Obito immediately stopped talking and focused on you with concern evident in his face as well. You looked at Rin as if you had seen a ghost, recalling what happens to her in only a few days' time.

This is it. It's really happening. All those years of preparation for this.

"Hey, (y/n), you're scaring me here," Obito mustered in an attempt to lighten the mood.

Disregarding his comment, you managed to blurt out, "I need to come with you," warranting shock from each member, Minato included.

"Hey that's a great idea! Let her come, Minato-sensei!" Obito commanded. He was thrilled at the prospect of having his best friend join him on a real mission.

Minato'ssurprised expression soon morphed into a nervous one. "That's really not a good idea, Obito."

"What do you mean? (y/n)'s a skilled fighter, she can protect all of us!" Obito argued.

"If she were so skilled then she would have been promoted to Chunin like the rest of you," Kakashi spat out while giving you a piercing side look that also pierced your spirit.

Obito growled, "You take that back! You're just jealous that (y/n) is more skilled at Earth Style than you are!"

The two started bickering but you were touched that Obito would go to great lengths to defend you.

"I'm afraid I can't let you go without permission from the Hokage, (y/n)," Minato interrupted with a sympathetic look on his face, "and seeing how the village is short-staffed, I wouldn't count on him letting you go. Obito, Kakashi and Rin can take care of themselves, you don't have to worry about them," he concluded with an endearing wink.

You knew for a fact that they could not take care of themselves, and without another word, you booked it to the Hokage's office as fast as you could.

"You should've let her come with us, Minato-sensei," Obito spouted, but Minato wasn't quite listening. Your uncharacteristic reaction intrigued him. 

Something didn't feel quite right.


You managed to evade all of the guards and administrators in the Hokage Residence. It was an easy task since they didn't think a little Genin girl could be much of a threat. Before you knew it, you made your presence known in the Hokage's quarters.

"I need to go with team Minato on their mission!" you demanded bluntly.

Hiruzen looked in your direction unfazed before trailing his eyes back on to the document in front of him. "Team Minato..." he pondered. "As far as I'm aware they are currently fulfilling an S-rank mission. A mission that is far too advanced for a Genin, I'm afraid."

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