(Sorry its bad! Im tired!!)

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I pushed open the school doors with my pale arms and tried my hardest to pretend I didn't exist. Gakuen Alice seemed like an elite school on the outside but it's ruthless on the inside. The popular girls enjoy drawing the line between trash and perfect. Can you guess which side I'm on?

So as my shoes made soft noises as they hit the floor and the school was filled with useless chatter. I trudged into English class. A class with a teacher that asks too many questions. What happened to your leg? Any new friends? Are you getting along with Luna? Why are you limping? I'm scared of him and his questions.

Why can't I go to the police? I could so easily go to a safe place. But I sat down at the back corner table and minded my own business. My own little world where no one could hurt me.

I didn't say anything as my peers talked and life seemed to pass by me. I felt like I wasn't even there almost like I was drifting through the air. The teacher could have left me like that, like a ghost. But I was brought back to life as the blonde teacher opened his small girly mouth.

"We have a new project! I have 10 cameras and that means we will be having 10 different groups. You will create a video about your favorite English short story." The blonde guy yelled over the whispers of the kids in my class. Clapping his yellow hands together loudly he went on to finish his announcement. "I have a very special hat and it has group colors. After you find your color go to the table that corresponds to your color." He said it politely yet I felt like crying. He took out a plaid fedora and from the peek that I got, there was a collage of colors.

His girly face stared back at me smiling as if to say ' I know but how about we pretend I don't. How about I put you in a group with everyone that hates you.' His smile said it all. His smile-- "Mikan-chan! Your turn!!" I pushed myself out of my wooden bench and carefully took steps towards his plaid hat. I stuck my hand into what seemed like a void until I felt something graze my skin.

I yanked out a green sheet of paper and took a 180 degree turn to face the rest of the groups. I nodded as I checked the colors that didn't match what was in my hand. Purple? No. Red? No. Black? No. Green? Yes. I steadied myself as I walked towards a table with a forest green tab sticking out. I knew everyone in the group.

They didn't know me. Unless you were Luna or one of her barbie buddies you didn't know who I was. I stood up at where the corner was poking my thigh and kept silent.

Nonoko, a chemistry whiz had been cheerfully striking conversation that wasn't about the project. Anna, a chef that was contributing to be useless at the moment. Natsume, a rumored pyromaniac wasn't doing anything at all besides staring the teacher going from head to toe and repeating.

Nonoko and Anna were chatting as I stood there uneasy. "Ummm.... Did you want to sit down?" Anna asked skeptically. She had forgotten my name. We had been in the same grade since kindergarten but who is keeping track? Not her.

I nodded my head and slowly sat on the edge of the bench. "And then I-" Nonoko was smiling until our teacher Narumi interrupted her. "On topic please!" He stared down at her smiling that made feel goosebumps going up my hand. "So our favorite stories?" Nonoko asked politely.

I opened my dry mouth but before I could speak Natsume did. "I hate all of you." He spoke sternly and then left the white class room. I turned around to see Ruka, a blonde boy doing the same.

That was the first time I ever had anything close to a conversation with Natsume. And I hoped with every fiber in my body it would be the last.

"Well he's a jerk!" Anna puffed and continued to laugh at the same thing before Natsume spoke up. "Yeah! I heard he..." Nonoko was shouting before she turned to see the teacher giving her the same grin. "My favorite short story is 'The Bet' " Anna smiled sweetly trying to get the back on task. "Mine is the Necklace..." Nonoko replied. They both looked at me expecting me to give another short story. "The most dangerous game..." I mumbled quietly and their faces lit up like a flash light.

"I read that before!!! Hey ..... um...." Anna started off so enthusiastic until she remembered she didn't know my name. "Mikan... Mikan Sakura." I softly stated. "Hey Mikan-chan lets do your story!" Nonoko yelled. I winced as she propped herself up quickly against the desk.

"O-o-okay." I stuttered out still terrified about the idea of the project. "Hey Mikan-chan lets shoot the video at your house!" Nonoko suggested followed by the delighted yes of Anna. "No." I half yelled that. They look at me in shock that I could speak louder than a whisper.

"We aren't doing anything at my house. And you guys have to talk to Natsume. He might not want to do it..." I spoke gently once again staring at my feet instead of their faces. "Ok? You're weird Sakura-san..." Anna laughed out. I could feel her smiling at Nonoko and they both got up and left.


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