Start from the beginning

He also recognized me and he froze, I didn't feel awkward or weird or hurt, I felt at peace, it's as if none of it ever happened, it's true what they say. True love conquers all. Tony's love healed me.

"oh my gosh, grey, it's you. you're here, in front of me, I'm not hallucinating or anything like that. It's you "he said breaking the silence and let me tell you the truth, when I said I  didn't feel weird  I lied, I was pretty weirder weirdest does he mean, he is not too hallucinating.

"oh hey, Matthew, I haven't seen you in forever, what a pleasant surprise, "I said with an awkward laugh. I lied about that too.

"you look beautiful and you've grown," he said and I smiled. What does he mean I've grown I'm just fat, this is baby fat.

He walked closer and hugged me, I just pat him on his back. It was so awkward for me. I have a jealous husband. This situation was uncomfortable. Promise me, promise that you'll tell me if you're tired or uncomfortable...

Right now I was just uncomfortable.

"Thanks, Matt, so what brings you here, are you here on business or something? "I asked because I thought he was in Capetown.

"I moved out here, about anyway ago, yeah, my dad opened a branch here and I asked to head it. What about you, what brings you here apart from Nutella, you never change grey. You have no idea how many times I tried to find you. You're not easy to find and I meet you here, buying Nutella "he said and I laughed a bit. It's funny how he thinks this Nutella means I haven't changed or that I am alone.

You weren't trying hard enough then, because if you were you would have come to my workplace and asked for me. It's not even that hard. I will always love Nutella and I'm not here alone. "I said to him politely.

He looked around and I noticed that he had no ring on his finger. he didn't marry. Was he waiting for me perhaps? if so he wasted his time.

"Who are you with, Jayden or Jamie, where are they? "he said and he sounded excited for them. They don't like you dude...

Before I could respond Tony's voice spoke and I looked and saw him pushing the trolley to us.

"Are you okay, did you get what you need? I told you to call me when you were done, you must be tired and why is this Nutella so high. ?" he said and he came to a stop in front of me. I smiled because he was extra and I loved him for that.

We've only been apart for like 10 minutes sir, this isn't a race. Calm down. Besides I am in the middle of a reunion. Remember Shawn, I mean  Matthew" I said and Tony looked behind him, finally realizing that I wasn't alone.

"oh, what's up man. Nice to meet you. I'm Tony. I've heard quite a lot about you "Tony said and I laughed. I know what he's trying to do. he stuck his hand out for Shawn to shake.

Shawn on the other hand was looking between us, trying to figure something out. Being with him for 8 years had taught me his different looks. He shook Tony's hand.

"Tony is my husband," I said and Shawn's face changed a bit.

"you got married? "he asked as if he couldn't believe it.

"yes, I got married. a few months ago actually "I said as Tony grabbed my trolley and started putting the items in it, in his trolley which was overflowing with stuff.

"wow, I... Don't know what to say. You got married. Wow... I didn't consider that factor" he said and I almost laughed, did he think we still stood a chance. I saw Tony start to pile some stuff we didn't need from the shelf.

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