School of Wizardry

Start from the beginning

You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true, And unafraid of toil.

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you've a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind

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Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you've a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind.

Or perhaps in Slytherin, You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folk use any mean, to achieve their end

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Or perhaps in Slytherin, You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folk use any mean, to achieve their end."

With a lion as its crest and Professor McGonagall at its head, Gryffindor is the house which most values the virtues of courage, bravery and determination

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With a lion as its crest and Professor McGonagall at its head, Gryffindor is the house which most values the virtues of courage, bravery and determination. Their Common Room at the top of Gryffindor tower, guarded by the Fat Lady's portrait. It reflects the house spirit, the defining word would probably be cozy, its lit up with the warmth of fires.

Their house colors are scarlet and gold, which are very bold. They connect with passion and emotion. There is the idea of having a heart of gold, and Gryffindors surely contain that, they are very protective and caring. Gryffindors also tend to think they are the best house, based on the praise they receive because of their usual heroic acts. Their house element is fire, they have a strong inner flame that sometimes forces them to do reckless things.

Their Common Room is near the Hogwarts Dungeons, symbolizing how Slytherins aren't afraid to get down and dirty in business

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Their Common Room is near the Hogwarts Dungeons, symbolizing how Slytherins aren't afraid to get down and dirty in business. It is a long stone room under the Great Lake, with green lighting and elaborate carvings.

Their house colors are green and silver. This tells us that Slytherins are cool, calculating, controlled, logical, and analytical. The house's most prominent quality is single-minded resourcefulness. They are masters of strategy and long-term planning. Their house element is water, like liquid, Slytherins are slippery, fluid, and hard to pin down. They tend to be intuitive, emotional, and sensitive.

Hufflepuffs are virtuous and have integrity, they value friendship, honesty, and loyalty

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Hufflepuffs are virtuous and have integrity, they value friendship, honesty, and loyalty. The Hufflepuffs Common Room is located in the Hogwarts Basement, near the kitchens. It is a cozy, low-ceilinged room decorated with cheerful colours and plenty of plants and flowers.

Their house colors are yellow and black, yellow in particular, making us think of a positive outlook, connecting it to cheerfulness and humor. Black makes us think of seeing things in black or white, stating that Hufflepuffs always try to take the right path. Hufflepuff is the only house without a metallic color, showing us how Hufflepuffs tend to not show off or brag of their accomplishments. Their house element is Earth, because they are down to Earth and of the Earth, they are hard working, nurturing, life-giving and practical.

 Their house element is Earth, because they are down to Earth and of the Earth, they are hard working, nurturing, life-giving and practical

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To be a Ravenclaw is to think outside the box and extend the boundaries of the mind, they are logical yet accepting of ideas. They are unique and unusual. Their Common Room, which is located in a tower, is a wide airy room with mountain views, bookcases and a domed ceiling painted with stars. This shows how Ravenclaws are seen as highly intellectuals who think high-mindedly.

Theirs house colors are blue and bronze, blue representing serenity and clarity, which is exactly what you want for clear thinking and lucidity. The bronze shows how Ravenclaws are big innovators. Their house element is air, which is known as cerebral and curiousity.

All of the information in this chapter is based off of Pottermore and ScreenPrism on Youtube, so all credits go to them. Sure, I reworded a few things but its the main idea in general that comes from them.

I, in no way, claim Hogwarts or the Harry Potter franchise as mine, all credits go to J.K. Rowling.

I was simply inspired by my love for the books and the films to create this entertaining story regarding the same idea of wizardry with the fellow Stranger Things actors.

hi everyone, welcome to


... that i am up to no good.
i hope you guys are as excited for this as i am. this story will have many similar events as in the books/movies but keep in mind the general idea that i will certainly add my own twists to it. most of your favorite hogwarts professors are included in this.

What house do you belong in?

I originally thought i was going to be in Hufflepuff but after taking the Pottermore quiz and other quizzes, turns out i'm a Gryffindor. I love Gryffindors but I highkey secretly wish I was in Slytherin.

I'm a gryffinpuff. Lol.

I'm excited to create my own storyline with the stranger things cast, in this story, the "golden trio" or any other students, don't exist, as for the professors and headmasters, obviously they do. Snaps, McGonagall, Dumbledore, are all in the story.

hope you enjoy this journey,


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