Chapter four: Welcome to the gang

Começar do início

"This is my compartment." He stated bluntly. 

"I don't see your name on it." Draco shot back. Evan's frown deepened as he stared back at him. 

"Do you not know who I am." The obnoxious boy demanded. I snorted at that, how stuck up is this kid? 

"Find something funny asshole." He shot at me. Draco tensed near me. 

"Yeah actually, I can't believe how much faith people put in a stuck-up little shit." I spat. Draco half gasped half laughed where as Pansy snorted and replied, "Finally someone told this little f*cker what's up."

Her blunt statement made me laugh, maybe these kids weren't so bad after all, plus the look on Evan's face was worth everything.  

"I am Evan Potter you cannot talk to me that way." 

"What! That's the best you got? A name! I've seen muggles who can do better!" I spat back with just as much hate. He looked appalled. 

"My parents are professors and you will be answering to them." He spat childishly.

 "Just try, let's see what happens." I mocked. He stormed off and I snorted. 

I could feel myself getting angry so before anyone could comment on the events I pulled out my walkman and played some music. A few songs later I heard the door slam back open. I knew who was there so I didn't bother looking up. It was only when I heard shouting that I pulled my earbuds out. 

"That's him mum he called me names for no reason." I raised an eyebrow. 

"No reason? I had every reason."

 "I second that." Pansy supplied. 

"Evan what were you doing here in the first place it is full," Lilly asked her son. 

"This is my compartment!" The boy yelled. 

"Come on Evan, go to the family compartment." Evan began to protest before she cut in, "you too Harry, we want to spend time getting to know you." 

I couldn't believe my ears. 

"No, if you wanted to get to know me you had plenty of time to do that before." I spat back. 

"Harry that is unfair, you know we had your best interests at heart." Lilly tried to reason.

"Best interests at heart!" I yelled back, "if you had my best interests at heart you wouldn't have shipped me off and didn't look back, you never even visited." 

"Harry I am your mother you cannot talk to m-"

 "You are not my mother. Petunia is my mother. She is the woman who raised me and taught me everything I know. She has done her best to protect me and for the most part, she succeeded. That's more than you can say."

 "Wait!" Evan did a double take "He is my twin!" He yelled.

 "Don't get used to the title I am not and never will be your brother." I spat. 

"Harry!" Lilly protested. 

" What! Am I wrong? Did I blink and miss your visits or am I correct that you never came." 

"Is that true?" Pansy asked. 

"Yep, they sent me to live with my muggle aunt and cousin, all because they thought I was a squib and they wanted to give all their attention to the beloved chosen one." I spat with disgust 

"Now if you don't mind I don't want to see either of you." 

Lilly tried to protest but I used my magic and slammed the door shut and locked it. 

Every book I have ever read has told me that wandless magic and nonverbal magic are extremely hard but I find it easy. Maybe it is just a coincidence. Nevertheless, all those who remained in the room had their mouths open wide. 

"Well, that conversation was a lot sooner than I expected. I trust you all are smart enough to keep this to yourselves." I said in a warning tone. 

They all nodded quickly. "Was...was that true? They shipped you off like that." Draco asked cautiously. 

I nodded. 

"How foul," Blaise said disgustedly. 

"Uh-huh." I nodded "Although my muggle family was better than those shitheads." Pansy snorted and said, "You know I think I like you." 

I smirked at this response, "Yep that settles it I truly like you and with a smirk like that you would fit into Slytherin well." 

I chuckled and Draco leaned back comfortably in the chair next to me "Welcome to the gang." 

I smiled, "Glad to be here." Inside all, I could think was - could I be accepted? I hope so!


The boy who was given upOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora