Unexpected (Part Two)

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(YN)- Your Name

(F1M)- Favourite 1D Member

(YFF)-Your Favourite Food

(YFD)-Your Favourite Drink

*Your POV*

5th September 2014

I tried so hard not to cry today but I can't help but think of the fact that he knows and I kept thinking of the worst possible outcome that might occur. He now knows and he left me. Stupid me, why did I leave my journal out in the open? Stupid him for reading my journal. Stupid 'Best Friend' status. Now our years and years of friendship will be ruined by my stupid feelings. I should've ignored it when I first felt that I had a crush on him. It's over. He proved that our friendship was over once he walked out my bedroom door. He knew about our oath about not leaving the other person behind if they're in times of hardship. But he did. This day was ruined and our friendship was ruined, also my heart is ruined and I'm a mess. He was such a sweetheart, he was the perfect guy that cares about a girl's feeling, he was beautiful inside and out, it's not hard to fall for him. Hey did you know that I haven't been out my room since he left? My Mum tried to desperately ask me what happened and that I should come down for breakfast, lunch and dinner but I never went. I was thinking about the day we planned and maybe (F1M) brought another girl along and had the best time if his life with that girl forgetting about his pathetic ex-best friend that had feelings for him. Will we ever restore our friendship? probably not but I hope we do. I'm willing to ignore my feelings so that I could just keep him. Loosing the person you love hurts but loosing the one that has been with you through everything hurt more for me. Anyway, I gotta go now it's late at night and I should probably get some sleep.

I closed my journal and made sure that I hid it well this time. I turned onto my side and for the first time today, I let myself break down. I cried onto my pillow and screamed 'Why?' onto it from time to time.I don't even have any idea on what time it is right now but I know that it's dark outside. I continued to silently cry and sniffle until I heard the door open. The person stood there silently for a few second and walked two steps into my room.


It's him. No way. Why is he here? Is he here to officially end our friendship? If I pretend to sleep, will I be able to prevent our friendship from ending? I pretend to be asleep and he stood there for a few minutes. 

I was about to truly drift into sleep because he was being completely silent or maybe he left and I didn't hear him? but that thought was proved wrong until I felt my bed dip. Since I was facing the pillow, I didn't know whatever he was doing but I do know that he's moving a lot. Once he was done moving like a worm that has been dropped some salt on, two arms went around me and pulled me towards him. OH NO. NOT MY WEAKNESS. NOT HIS HUGS. NO!! 

"I know you're awake." He whispered towards my ear as I felt shivers run down my spine. I tried to wiggle away from his grasp but he just tightened his grip around me. "Please don't move away from me." (F1M) pleaded.

"Are you here to end our friendship?" I sniffled.

"NO! Not in a million years!" He denied.

"Then why are you here..." I said weakly.

He easily turned my body so I could face him and he caressed my face with his hands. My heart is beating a million miles per hour and we're seriously just about half an inch away from each other. He looked deeply into my eyes and my breath hitched. He smiled and said "I'm here to assure you that our friendship will never end...".

I looked down avoiding his gaze, to say that I was hurt and disappointed was an understatement. He basically just friend zoned me in the nicest way possible. Well, let's look at the pros of being friend zoned, at least our friendship will last forever.

"... even if the time comes when we become each others, we'll still have our friendship within us. We can learn if we're love."

My eyes shot up to look at him. What does he mean? What? I scrunched my eyebrows and muttered, "It's not good to learn if we're love, love should be erratic, it shouldn't be learned."

"Maybe I should've said my feelings in a better term... what I was trying to say is that.. I became aware of how blind and numb I've been towards my feelings for you. The over-protectiveness whenever a guy asks you out and the fast beating rate of my heart whenever I see you, it all made sense. It all led up to one thing and that is..... I love you." He whispered with so much emotion.

"I-you already know this.. I love you as well." I smiled.

"I love you more" (F1M) said before quickly pecking my lips.

I blushed and then (F1M) shot up which made me jump out of my skin. I looked at him with wide eyes and he scratched the back of his head whilst grinning sheepishly. "Uhm... I brought you these." He said as he gave me some (YFF) and (YFD).I looked at it and then took them from his arms and settled it on my bed side table.

"Aww you're too sweet." I said as I hugged him.

"You love it though." He teased as he tightened our hug. After a while, we pulled away and layed down onto the bed.

"Hey, you're a little creep you know." I teased.

"Huh? Why?" He asked, confused.

"I mean, you literally entered my house in the middle of the night and entered my room without knocking." I giggled.

"Hey, your parents knows about me going here." He defenced.

I smiled and cuddled with him. This might've not been the ideal event for today, but this one works too. It's definitely more amazing than what I think is going to happen today. The day seemed to turn from worst to best in a few hours.

"Good night, love you." Harry muttered as he kissed my forehead.

"Love you too, sweet dreams." I said sleepily as I cuddled into him more. Then we slept in each others arms.


Hello guysss!!! Sorry for the long wait but it's finally here. It's my term holidays so I might be able to upload often, not quite sure coz I might want to relax but yeah...

Thank you so much for reading.


For any requests, comment below or private message me.

Thank you all lovely people.

~M xx

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