This was a gift, FOR US!

Start from the beginning

"Let's look for the other two later. I first want to have fun with her and Nate! They will not escape so fast!" he says and drags Cristina out of the room. Madpat follows him with Amy in his grip. He closes the door and the footsteps move away from the door and walk down the hallway, where Dark and Anti are waiting.

"Oh, do you bring me my future fiancé, Mad?" Dark asks amused. He looks to Amy who looks at him frightened and intimidated.

"Yeah, they didn't really hide good though...behind piles of boxes over there ...pathetic..." Madpat replies laughing and points to the door of what their came from.

"Did you cHecKeD everything? You OnLy HaVe TwO of them!" Anti asks curiosly and looks at Cristina and Amy. Their eyes widen as they hear what he just said.

"LOoKs lIke a No!" he says before NateMare and Madpat can answer his question. He walks towards the door and opens it.

Steph and Singe are standing next to piles of boxes. As they see Anti bursting through the door they freeze on their spots. They never expected Anti to come that quickly.

"YoU tWo idiots!" he yells to the other two AlterEgos. Madpat runs towards him and lets Amy fall to the ground again.

As he reaches the door Steph bumps into him and they both fall to the ground. Steph tries to stand up but Madpat pushes her to the floor. He takes out another bunch of tapes and puts them on her mouth, around her wrists and her legs. He stands up exhausted and looks at Anti who does the same to Singe.

"I tOlD yOu to check EvErythinG!" he says annoyed and a bit angry.

"Calm down, Anti! We have them! That's all we need!" Dark says and looks to Amy.

Anti and Madpat drag the two girls forcefully to the others.

"Now...I think they want to see their boys again!" NateMare says chuckling. They all drag their several girl in their direction.

Cristina fights against NateMare's grip as he opens the door next to the him. He throws her in room in front of the chair where Nate's sitting. He's tied with his ankles and arms to the chair. As he sees Cristina on the ground he starts to fight against his bonds.

"You little bastard! What have you done to her?!" he yells at NateMare who only chuckles.

"We played Hide And Seek and obviously they lost..." he starts laughing.

"...but now I think it's time to have some fun!" he says and puts Cristina on another chair so that she looks right into Nate's eyes.

"What are you up to?!" Nate yells at him. NateMare pulls out the mask of the Puppet.

"Oh, Nathan...I just want to see my fiancé again..." NateMare says as he pulls the tape on Cristina's mouth off and puts the mask on Cristina's face who starts to yell in pain. She shakes around and tries to get the mask off of her face but mask doesn't want to get off.

"STOP IT! STOP IT!" Nate yells and fights against his bonds.

Suddenly Cristina's head drops down and NateMare takes the mask off of her face.

"No, No, No! Cristina, can you hear me? Please!" Nate begs. Cristina starts to giggle and raises her head. On her face is the same Make-Up that NateMare has. She looks with her dark purple eyes at Nate with an insane grin.

NateMare removes her bonds and she gets up. Then she kisses NateMare on the mouth.

"I've missed you so much, honey..." "Cristina" says and kisses NateMare once again.

One big happy family! (Sequel to Madpat/NateMare/Antisepticeye/Darkiplier)Where stories live. Discover now