Chapter 28

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He continued to stalk ahead silently, leading me past a large room with long sofas and arrays of other seats of all shapes and sized. There was a large bookshelf along an entire wall and a monstrously lavish fireplace. In there I noticed a female's head sat on one of the seats in front of the fireplace, and another head, but I didn't have enough time to see what it was.

But what I had processed ebbed away into the back of my mind, and I didn't enquire about it.

I looked back ahead at Grayson's hair, his dark tendrils loose and so soft looking. His earrings swung as he stormed ahead, his aura still a bit angry. I wasn't used to how strong his scent was as I trailed behind him, the smell I had been craving for no reason for weeks and now it was here. He was here, strong and stable only a couple of inches in front of me.

Yet he still felt further away.

I shook my head. It didn't matter, he didn't matter; just like I didn't matter to him.

Finally, we reached what seemed like the dining room, it was smaller than the dining room back in the other kingdom, the table even smaller.

He stopped by the entrance and gestured for me to take a seat, so I did. Absent-minded, I reached for the chair at the head of the table and stopped myself right before touching it, glancing at Grayson, who had been watching me intently.

"Go ahead, I normally don't sit there anyways,"

Feeling more assured I pulled out the chair and sat. Grayson followed right after, sitting on the chair to my right.

Then I heard shuffling and footsteps outside in the corridor and voices along with it.

I sniffed, and from what I could smell, it was a female, but not; it didn't smell normal. And the other...Well, he was male but there was also something different just like the female.

Then they both entered the room, and my eyes widened slightly at the pair.

They were siblings without a doubt, both with snake-like features. The female had stunningly green eyes that were tilted upwards, and the male's was almost the same except his were slitted, an exact replica of a snake.

When the female's hair was silky straight and a bone-chilling white, the male's was a nest of curls of deep midnight black.

Their faces were sharp and defined with dark arching eyebrows to shape their face even better.
And then the male grinned, flashing his fangs and I almost swooned.

Lord, he was gorgeous.

Not as gorgeous as Gray - 

Shut up shut up shut up. 

"Grayson, you're back," the male cheered, his sharp fangs gleaming menacingly, then his green snake-like eyes slithered to me, "And who did you bring back with you?"

"Is that why you suddenly disappeared without so much as a message? For her?" The female spoke up, distaste practically dripping when she regarded me with judging eyes. "And she's sitting on my seat?"

Grayson didn't reply to anything they said and I realised he was expecting me to speak up for myself.

To keep the silence at bay I quickly spoke up, "My name is Lua, and I didn't know this was your seat," My voice was calm and unbothered, as I stared at her with completely blank eyes.

The male huffed a laugh before he walked closer to me, smoothly snatching my hand and planting a kiss on there, his fangs grazing against the skin.

"Excuse my sister's rudeness, she is not used to another female being so close around the love of her life,"

"He is not-," The female began before her brother interrupted her.

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