Chapter 5

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Rowan and I walked out into the garden again and stood face to face. His expression was calm and serious.

"To try to control your gifts you have to try to make it understand that you are the master here. Will it into motion, command it to appear. But first, we need to find what power crawls under your fragile skin," he smirked at the last two words, glaring at me to catch my reaction like he always did. But getting angry would cause me to use energy I didn't have. So, I stared right back at him, waiting for him to carry on.

"Just close your eyes and think of nothing, then your power should show itself, you should be able to see you."

What does that even mean?

 But I shrugged and closed my eyes, not bothering to really think about it.

There was nothing. Absolutely nothing, just darkness from my closed eyes.

"What am I even meant to think?" I said, scowling.

"Try delving deep within you, into your core," he said.

I tightened my closed eyes and tried to go deep within myself. But still nothing. Just a wasteland of desolation.

I opened my eyes. "There's nothing."

"Try harder," and I could've sworn a tinge of panic coated his voice.


I obeyed and tried again to 'delve' into myself and try to find where this 'power' was.

Down, down, down.

There was just emptiness and pain and guilt.

Did I even have them?

Or was Rowan lying?

"There's still nothing,"

"Will it, Lua. Command it."

"This is pointless. I have no such powers." I spat. 

Did he even know what he was saying?

How do you command something you don't even have?

"Rowan. There is nothing." I growled, a headache forming at the sheer frustration towards everything.

"There is something, Lua. I know it." He said.

I don't how long I was standing there just trying to find something, anything.

But it seemed like I was just darkness and pain. I felt broken.

I was a failure.

I couldn't even complete this single task of stirring up my apparent magic. If I couldn't do this, then I probably couldn't do anything.

I was pathetic.

But there was something that I couldn't wrap my head around, something that seemed off.

That little flicker in Rowan's eyes when he told what he saw me do, when he saw me showing my 'magic'.

That flicker that I would've have brushed of as anything, were it not that my doubts about my so-called power were now stronger than ever.

I flicked my eyes to Rowan. Anger was already boiling in my gut, if he had lied about this, then I was going to rip his head off.

I didn't care that it was over exaggerated, I didn't care if it seemed extreme.

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