Chapter 8

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My body was warm, for once. My feet were toasty, and it felt like the sleep I wanted in a long time. I didn't want to open my eyes, I didn't want to lose this comfortable feeling and get dragged back into my lifeless, dull life. No bad visions plagued me beneath my eyelids and I felt... relaxed.

My fingers were burrowed smooth, delicate fur, warmth emitting from it, and I dug my fingers deeper.

I was sinking further into relaxation when something nudged at my side. It kept nudging and nudging until I gave up trying to sleep. I growled in frustration and flung my eyes open, irritation filling up the rare contentment. I winced, as light leaked in and squinted to try to make out what the source of the nudging was. Slowly, my eyes began to focus.

Lykos in his wold form lay under me, so I was sleeping on his back and his tail was nudging me. I snarled and began to rise to my feet, but my legs were weaker from before and my knees slammed back hard onto the ground. In a flash of light, Lykos formed back into his Fae form.

Why were my knees always so weak in the morning?

Before Lykos could help me up, I dedicated to helping myself. Placing one hand on the ground, whilst the other gripped Lykos's shirt. I pulled and placed down a foot, it wobbled, like a new-born deer's, but thankfully didn't give way again. Gradually, I stood up and looked around me.

We were in a different house, it was humble but homely. There was a bed on the far-right side, with a trunk on its foot. A kitchen on the left side of the cottage and a door, which I presumed to lead to a bathroom and another door, which I also presumed to lead outside. There was a minute fireplace, on the top were two horns, it had swirling patterns engraved to both and on each base of the horn, there was a crescent moon. It was beautiful.

I peered out the little window and noticed that we were in the middle of a forest and that the sun was gradually descending into darkness.

Lykos had been silent throughout the whole time, I examined his home.

Then I realised the other details.

We were alone.

In the middle of the forest.

Maybe extremely far from Rowan's manor.

Alone with a person I barely knew.

"Where are we?" I said.

Lykos's smile was polite and forced, as he said, "My house,"

I scowled in annoyance, "I know that. I mean, where are we? And how far is it from Rowan's manor?"

"We are quite far from Rowan, probably one and a half days on foot, and 10 minutes in wolf form," he said, walking towards his kitchen.

"Would you like some water?"

Indeed, I did. My tongue parched. I nodded, imagining the cool liquid refreshing my spirit.

He handed me a long glass of the water, condensation already starting around the border.

I pressed the rim against my lip and began drinking, as expected, the reviving magic soothed my aching throat and dry tongue.

"Thank you," I mumbled as I finished it in two gulps.

His eyebrows were raised in surprise and amusement, agitation tugging at my gut already.

"Wow, the first nice words you've said to me since we met," his lips curving upwards.

"I hoped you caught on by now, but I'm not a very friendly person," I snapped at him.

He put his hands up in surrender, "Alright, alright. Don't bite my head off,"

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