Chapter 10

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My life was absolutely pointless, I had realised.

I did nothing of significance.

When I had tried to do something different, it hadn't worked and instead I had blown up almost all of Rowan's backyard.

Yet with each passing day, my soul became more and more restless and my power began to manifest itself so much, that I constantly had to find some use for it to release. To lessen that compressing feeling that would build up the longer it stayed inside me.

Lykos began to visit more often again and I would like to say he pissed me off, but his company wasn't all that bad.

I was staring at nothing, whilst sitting on the couch when Lykos came and plopped down beside me.

"Let's go hunting," he said suddenly.

I slowly turned my head towards him, cocking my head slightly.

"Hunting." I said with a hollowed-out voice. I remembered hunting with my father, the rush of adrenaline in my veins whenever I saw a rabbit or better – a deer. That awake feeling.

I nodded at him and watched as he grinned.

"Great. Go get ready and we'll go,"

"Do I need to bring weapons?"

"I guess so, or you could let me do all the manly work, whilst you watch, how about that, dear?"

 I Frozen bitter rage cracked through me, through every vein and bone and muscle. I hated sexist comments more than anything in the world. I looked at him in the eye, baring my teeth ferally. My hands flew at his mouth, as quick as a bullet, and caught his tongue between my thumb and forefinger and pressed down hard.

"Say anything like that again, dear, and I'll make sure you won't have the tongue to do so again." I hissed into his face, using a bit of my ice to freeze the tip of it.

A trace of fear laced into his eyes and he nodded quickly, and I let go, wiping the dampness on my fingers on his face.

I was ready and strapped with weapons when I reached the front door where Lykos was standing straight as a rod, his eyes weary. But I didn't feel guilt at what I had said to him, he had deserved that.

What right did he have to tell me to watch, whilst he did the 'manly' work?

He could stick it in his ass for all I cared, I was going to hunt.

And definitely get more kills that him, that would show him.

I smiled sweetly at him, as I walked towards him, and I watched that flicker of amusement and annoyance in his eyes.

"Lead the way," I said, gesturing towards the door.

His mouth was a tight-lipped smile, as he walked outside and shifted into his wolf form in a flash of blinding white.

He stared at me with his mismatched eyes as he bent down on his knees.

I needed to climb onto his back.

I huffed a sigh and swung my leg over his silver mane and hoped on, adjusting myself until I was comfortable.

"Ready." I called out, and in a matter of seconds Lykos was up and running into the rustling forest.

The wind felt amazing on my face, as he dodged between narrow trees, completely running in silence. Not even the crunch of leaves was audible. How did he do that?

But the real question was: how could I do that?

My bow and quiver strung on my bag didn't even shake as he speedily ran, as if he wasn't taking steps at all. As if he was just flying across the ground, silently and swiftly.

I looked up at the sky, where I could've been soaring through, if my wings had deigned to show.

It seemed like life never wanted to cooperate with me.

How bloody annoying.

I sighed through my nose, as I scanned the towering trees and the slight cracks in between, scanning for any wildlife.

But nothing could ultimately be seen, as everything was just a blur of colours, because of how fast Lykos was going.

How was it even possible?

But I could ask that later, not now. Not when Lykos finally began to slow down, and then trot into a stop.

Not when he shifted into back to Fae and said - "I'll hunt in my wolf form, or in Fae, if you feel that's unfair,"

I smiled innocently at him, "I don't care, either way, I'll beat your sorry ass."

His smile faltered slightly, when I didn't answer the way he wanted me to. He flashed back to a Wolf and growled lowly at me, then sprinted off.

My teeth flashed.

Little cheating shit.

In a breath, my bow was in my hand and I was racing through the trees and bushes, my eyes darting everywhere to catch some movement.

I was not going to lose. 


How far are you liking the boookk??

Hopefully your liking it, because its past 1AM and im tired but i wanted to finish a chapter before I went to beeddd :))

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