Chapter 6

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The white fire appeared in front of me as I called it, the same with my light, wind and ice, but it was hard to hold them, they were like little bugs trying to get out of a hand, moving restlessly.

One of them pushed against my hold, and it was clear which one as my blinding light began to grow and roil and spread. As I watched it, my grip on the others loosened and they began to do the same thing.

My fire exploding in little explosions, incinerating everything in its wake.

I growled impatiently, and tightened my fists, and slowly, began to grip them one by one. The glow and shimmer of illuminations had grown around the house, leaving me and Rowan blinded. And I could hear his muffled shouts, as his voice tried to fight the howling chaos of wind, ice, fire and radiance.

They began to clear thankfully, the light stopping first, then all the rest.

And then I beheld my surroundings. Large Icicles had sprung up, uneven circles of burnt grass, pretty flowers were trampled mercilessly by my raging magic. I felt like snorting, but reined my amusement in.

Rowan looked satisfied, all that fear from before vanishing or hidden very well. There was a hint of a laughter in his voice as he said;

"Very good. Now that's enough for today, tomorrow we will begin with practising on how to use them for defence, after that, we shall begin with attack and then when you have mastered those, you will learn to train without them; how to fight and defend without them,"

That was a lot of things to do, but it was good. It was better than staying in the manor and stare at nothing all day. I nodded and walked past him into the house, Rowan following briefly afterwards.

It was silent inside, unlike my home, where there was at least some activity going on all the time. I walked around the house and settled into a couch. Listening. Listening for something to get rid of the contracting emptiness of noise.

Slowly, the silence began growing and forming claws, my head began to pound. I shut my eyes and concentrated hard to find some source of a noise. The pounding loosened, as I began picking things up. The fire crackling joyfully, and the trees outside rustling gently, I could even hear Rowan's breaths and his nearly imperceptible footsteps as he walked to the dining table.

"Come let us eat," he said, his chair scraping across the impeccable floor. The food was on the table, remarkably.

It was already dinner?

We were out for that long?

"Who gets the food up here?" I questioned him.

"Well, there are people who cook it for us and then they bring the food here using magic," he answers. I nod, making a mental note to meet these mysterious people.

My stomach rumbled as I assessed the roasting chicken and potatoes scattered around it. The shining gravy next to it, ready to be poured and drizzled on top of the mouth-watering meat.

I quickly sat myself down, filling my plate. It didn't taste the way it looked. It tasted bland, too full of spices that it cancelled out the real flavour of it. And it didn't feel right, to eat whilst my family were dead, when they couldn't eat with me.

It was strange, I thought. Everything was so silent, as Rowan and I ate, usually there would an endless noise of chatter on our little table back at home. Constant bickering or laughing.

My chest caved in as I remembered. When I could hear it, as if they were really in front of me.

The food in my mouth suddenly tasted unbearable, and it was effort to swallow it, and I almost vomited, as I felt it grate down my throat.

I abruptly stood up and excused myself, when my plate was still half full.

Rowan began protesting, but I ignored him and continued to walk out the large room and up the grand stairs. Right into my quiet solitude.

My window was large and portrait the sun setting, which casted the usual blush pink and bruised purples. And slowly, the night bloomed through the sky. The moon was crescent today, even with most of it in darkness, it gave out dazzling luminosity.

Eventually, stars freckled across the sky. This was most likely my favourite bit of the night, I felt so peaceful in the presence of the stars and moon.

I remembered my family and I going stargazing once, and now there wasn't anyone to that with, no one that would have been able to make it feel the same as that moment before. Rowan couldn't. Who else was there besides him?

I opened the window, the glass cold as I forced it open.

A cool breeze brushed across my face, pushing a strand of my hair back. I looked at the horizon of darkness, wishing I could just fly into there and never return. To live in the night, where the moon shined forever, and the stars never left my side.

But to venture into the unknown alone, was something I didn't want to do. I didn't want to live in a world of galaxies and peace if there was no one to marvel it with me.

Even though, Rowan was the closest thing I had to a family, I knew that it would never be the same as before. Nothing, it seemed, could restore that hole in my chest.

Nothing except that undying rage and fury.

Was there anyone out there that could take on that role? To be a friend but more, to be there no matter what.

I sighed, as I glanced up the shimmering jewels freckled across the dark velvet silk of the sky and wished.

Wished so hard, my chest hurt, and I could feel my nails digging into my hands as squeezed them together.

But there was no hope that sparkled in me, there was nothing.


How I hated that.

Hated their deaths, the loneliness, the silence, the emptiness.

And there was no one, no one except me.

It was always going to be just me.

I whirled from the window with unnatural speed and punched my wardrobe with all my rage and hatred that now burned in me, that fuelled me.

Wood and debris shattered everywhere, as I pierced through the hard material and right into the other side and denting the walls behind it.

I breathed out, as I pulled my bleeding, but now healing, hand out from the wreckage.


That was – felt good.

I needed a punching bag in my room.

And through all that loathing and wrath, I smiled to myself.

She feels kinda evil in my head, but i think thats just a dark side of her. I mean everyone has a dark side am i right

But shes not really evil. 

*crosses fingers*

no im serious lmao, shes not acc evil

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