Chapter 10->Camp, part 1

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In last chapter:

Gods and demigods looked shocked.
Zeus just nooded.
Nico came to his father.
"Thanks, dad."
Hades nodded.
"We need to talk."


"So....While Hades and Nico are out, does anyone have any questions?"- Percy asked.
"Hands up or we will not answer."-Reyna calmly added.

"First up will be little me."-Percy said.
"What's that tattoo you have?"

"Percy has a tattoo?!"
"Son, you are grounded!"

"Ah, funny story. After Hera took my memories, she sent me to Roman camp. There, after a year, instead of beads on necklace you get tattoo."-Percy said.

"Hera, why did you took my son's memories?!"-Poseidon yelled.
"Remember history and what follows after titans! None of you will listen! And these kids here are proof I was right! We have even bigger war comming!"

At this, some campers screamed.

"Calm down, we won both."-Percy said in attempt to calm campers, but it was in vain. They started panicking and gods were arguing. That was until Reyna took matter in her own hands.

"Okay, listen up!"-she yelled to get their attention and then she calmly continued-"Yes, it sounds horrible. And it was. We lost many, I won't lie. But do yourselves a favour, calm down and listen to us. Maybe with information you learn now you can make it better and actually save someone's life."

"She is right."
"I know I am."
"How come they listen to you, but not me?"
"Do you really need to ask that?"-Jason said with I'm-done-with-you expression on his face.

Before two of them could continue to argue, Hades and Nico came back.


"So, here we hold our pegasus-"
"Captain Marvel!"

"Wait, Captain Marvel!"
"She rocks!"
"She is a goddess!"
"She is my queen!"
"Thank you for mentioning her, now I have excuse to talk about her all day!"

"What? You mean Captain America kid?"-Hermes camper that was showing Nico around said.

"No, she is way better than him!"
"I agree, Cap ain't that good anymore."
"You are just salty about Civil War."

"No, Captain Marvel. She is really cool. She has this awesome blast powers and cat that acctualy-"


Nico was intetupted by camper.
"I don't really care, kiddo. I have to go now, you do what you want."

"That was rude."-Hestia said.

When he left, Nico tried to pet a horse.
Key word being tried, as horses backed down around him and acted like they were afraid of him.

"But why?"-someone asked.
"As my child, Nico has a certain aura of death around him. Horse probably sensed it."-Hades said.

Nico looked at his palms.

"Don't be sad. Horses hate most of Ares' campers."
Nico just stayed quiet.

Scene changed.
They were playing capture the flag when of members of Hunt pushed Nico down.

"Artemis, control your hunters."-Apollo said.
Artemis just glared at him.
Hades was becoming more and more angry by second.

He fell and rolled down the hill. He managed to grab for a root, but he was still hanging from a cliff, lake under him.

"I can't watch."-Percy said and covered his eyes.
Nico just facepalmed.

Yelling for help would be useless, as no one would hear him because of all battle noise.
He tried to pull himself up, but no use, as root broke.

But Nico didn't fell.

He opened his eyes. He was standing on earth-made platform that wasn't there before.


He slowly climbed back to safety, legs shaking. When he was safe, he looked at his hands. Slowly, he grabbed a little earth in them. He closed his eyes and soon enough, earth started to change shape. He opened his eyes and watched.

"That is pretty amazing!"
"Hey, now we can cosplay as Avatar people! I will be water, Jason air, Leo fire and you earth!"
"Idiot."-Nico said.
"Wait, fire? Someone can use fire?"
"Yes, our friend Leo. He is Hephaestus' kid."-Percy said.
"Wait, Hephaestus' kids can do that?"
"Not all. It's more like once in over 100 years kind of thing."-Jason said.


"You just find out about cool new power and that's all you say?"


Hey, guys...I did it, I finally updated😂
Sorry it took long, but I have importan things (akka exams) in school, so I could not find time to write...

On bright note, The Umbrella Academy is awesome show and Klaus needs to be protected by all costs

Take care of yourself!!!



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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Mar 16, 2019 ⏰

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