Chapter 11 First Mission

Start from the beginning

"Tell me more" when John noticed Cynthia's eyebrows raised up he added "about myself. Who am I?" he smiled "my name is Mer-lin" he tried the feel of his name in his mouth. "Merlin umm..."

"Merlin what" he asked.

"What about Merlin?" Cynthia counter spoke.

"What do you mean what about Merlin? You said my name is Merlin" John was loud by now.

"Of course your name is Merlin and you do not remember and I told you so what?" Cynthia too mimicked his volume.

John calmed himself "I wanted to know my second name. I am Merlin what? He asked very cautiously and politely.

Cynthia laughed at the silly banter they were having. She paused and chuckled more as if abiding time and spoke your full name is Merlin Trump. Yes it is Merlin Trump"

"Trump?" John was confused "Trump seems to be a familiar second name."

"Of course it is a familiar one" Cynthia chuckled once again "it s our presidents name. How many times have we joked at you about it!" she said smiling and John noticed the two dimples that appeared on her face whenever she smiled.

He wondered why he was harsh on her earlier. Cynthia was a pretty and sweet lady.

"How are you now?" Cynthia asked sincerely.

"Huh?" John was caught off guard.

"I mean you had been hurt and in comma for a year and half. Last I saw you in the hospital you were very weak. Now you say you don't remember anything. How are you?" she asked again.

"I am fine " John replied "I mean considering that I am alive, a little lost, no money, had been sleeping on the concrete chairs of the garden. Apart from that I am fine."

"Got it got it" Cynthia raised her hands in the air "I get it you are miserable"

The beeping of Cynthia's watch stopped her trail of words, "shit! shit! Shit!" she cursed, "it Is the time" her face panicked.

"What time?" John gave a worried expression.

"They are going to attack Fredrick Hamilton" she stated "We were supposed to get our leads today."

"Fredrick Hamilton" the name rung a bell in John's ears "is he our defense minister?" he asked.

Cynthia was shocked "you remember that?'

"Yes strangely I do" John admitted "there are certain things that are crystal clear in my memory and I do not have to make an effort to remember them" he paused and there are certain things that I try to remember I fail and get this killer headache" he pressed his head.

"Did you eat anything last night?" Cynthia asked when she noticed John struggling with his headache.

"I drank a lot" he said sheepishly "few starters but I guess I skipped my dinner"

Cynthia was disappointed at his frivolous behavior but kept her views to herself.

"I too am starving" she said "couldn't eat after the attack and my friends being burnt to ashes." She put her hand in the inner of his elbow "lets eat something. We need to live before we go ahead and save the world.

"We save the world!!!!" John was shocked at this revelation.

"Yes we do. Now hurry I am starving" she stopped a cab and mentioned the destination which John had no idea where it was.

"You look beat up" a very nerdy boy of probably 17 with huge spectacles, braces and oiled hair commented. "I heard about team. I am sorry. You were lucky you know"

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