9- Cold Cabin Trips Part 1

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“Where are you going?” Sophia asked as she watched Connor pull on a pair of jeans. He jumped; he hadn’t realized she was already awake.

He casually glanced over then turned away his shoulder as he riffled around for a shirt, “I’m going to my parent’s place. Do you want to come?”

“Sure,” she sat up and stumbled out of bed as she made her way to her clothes sitting on the desk chair.

Once they were at the Von Welt home, Sophia pressed the door bell.

“This is a gated community, we don’t lock our doors ‘til we go to bed,” Nathan pushed the door open.

“Sophia!” a chorus of voices called.

“Ahh, Nathan,” Nathan called his own name to substitute the lack of greetings he received. It caused a pitiful response of hellos.

“Hi, Mrs. Von Welt. Hello, Mr. Von Welt,” Sophia greeted. “Bethany,” she gave the younger sister a hug.

“Please, call me Mum,” Mrs. Von Welt urged. “You’re practically family.” She then leaned in a little closer, “Hopefully, one day, you will be.” Sophia looked at Nathan helplessly. He would be of no use to her as he shrugged and made his way up the stairs.

A mischievous smile slyly sat on the older woman’s lips, “Nathan or Connor… Either one is fine. Between you and me, I’m not a fan of Tiffany.”

Bethany gasped, “Mum!”

Mrs. Von Welt shrugged and smirked. Clearly Nathan got his smile from his mother.

“Mrs. Von Welt!” Sophia screeched in embarrassment. The older woman narrowed her eyes, “Mom…” Sophia mumbled.

The woman clapped her hands; obviously pleased, “Connor is in the game room,” she scooted Sophia out of the kitchen and into the other room. Just before Mrs. Von welt left the room, she gave Sophia a not-so-subtle wink.

“Hey there,” a familiar voice called. Connor laid out on the sofa with his back propped up with multiple pillows and a game controller on his lap.

“Hey you,” Sophia moved Connor’s legs on to her lap as she sat down. “How are you feeling?”

He shrugged, “Much better. Mum is still babying me, but I’ll take what I can get.”

“Does she always baby you?” Sophia pointed out.

“Extra,” he answered and gave a cocked smile.

She rolled her eyes, “But of course.”

The flat screen flashed, “You lose!” the announcer shouted.

“Aw man,” Connor picked up his controller and restarted the game.

The two comfortably sat in silence until Mr. Von Welt joined them in the game room. “Connor since you are not feeling well yet,” Sophia shot Connor a knowing glance. He shrugged and turned his attention back to his father. “I suppose you won’t be able to go to the cabin for our holiday next week.”

His eyes bulged out of his sockets, “I can go!”

“Oh but you positively couldn’t,” Mr. Von Welt said dramatically. “That poor body just wouldn’t be able to take it,” he threw his head back and pressed the back of his hand to his forehead.

“It’s true,” Sophia joined in. “If you went and got hurt again…” Sophia gave dramatic pause. “Oh, I’d die!” She whaled and buried her face in her hands. She then sat up and laughed; she and the older Von Welt high-fived.

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