Chapter three: Diagon Alley

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"Firstly I want to say that you are no less a son to me," Mom took in a deep breath before continuing. 

"Your real last name is Potter, your mother is my sister Lilly Potter and your father, her husband, is James Potter. You have a twin brother named Evan. When you were younger a dark lord tried to kill you both because it was professed that one of you would kill him.  He figured it was Evan and tried to kill him but the curse rebounded and he died. The same night they came to my door and gave you to me because they believed Evan would be targeted and wanted to keep you away from growing up with fame. They also thought you were a squib and that when the war came you could not protect yourself." She finished sourly glaring at the table, she hadn't talked about that night for a long time and hadn't realised how much anger she still held. 

"They...Gave me up?" I asked confused. 

She nodded sadly. " If they didn't I wouldn't...Vernon wouldn't have-" 

She nodded again and wiped her eye. "I hate them." I stated bluntly. Mom looked up at me tears in my eyes. 

"They could have stopped all that and yet they gave me up." I continued angrily. Tears started to roll down her cheeks.

"But I wouldn't have you, or Dud, at least now I have a real family, no matter what you are my family." I said as I wiped away her tears. "

"Now lets get on with the day and not let them ruin it." 

'If I ever see them...' I thought bitterly. 

After breakfast Mom and I were waiting in the hallway for Dudley. "Come on Dud or we will leave you behind." I yelled to the stairs. 

"Come now Harry don't be so mean." Mom scolded in a playful tone. Dudley came running down the stairs still putting on his coat. I chuckled at him as we walked out the door and began our journey to the leaky cauldron.

When we got there the bar tender Tom let us through and we set off to the first shop. 

After a long few hours of "No you need to try this on as well so we know it all fits," and "come on Harry would it kill you to keep up," we went to a café to have a break. Dudley and I got milkshakes and Mom got a coffee. We were just talking and laughing when a voice called Mom's name, 

"Petunia? Is that you." Mom's face hardened and I instantly knew who it was. 

"Petunia what are you doing here?" The female voice asked. 

"Escorting Harry to get his things for school and if you don't mind we would like to keep doing that in peace." Mom said in her tough voice. Dudley and I once got that voice when we accidentally broke a vase whilst playing soccer. Scariest day of my life...

"What do you mean for school?" The voice asked. I didn't want to look at her so I kept my eyes firmly trained on Mom.

 "It seems you were wrong about many other things Lilly." Mom warned. 

"Harry, he's not a squib." She asked surprised. "No now please leave!" She answered. 

"Can I talk to him?"  She asked cautiously.

Mom's face darkened as she spoke. "You think after what you did that you have that right? No you cannot talk to him." I could tell that if Lilly didn't leave Mom would blow. 

"Harry please." Mom was about to say something but I cut in. 

"You heard her she said no, now leave before we do." I said not bothering to turn around. 

"Harr-" I had had enough I turned to face her 

"Leave." I said with as much finality I could manage, though I could feel my heart breaking looking at her and seeing features of myself that I once loved, which now seemed to fill me with sadness. 

The boy who was given upHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin