"Bellamy," Finn stomped up from behind her with a menacing glare and pushed Bellamy in the chest. "where's the radio?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Bellamy gritted, pushing him back. Seeing the two stand off, Roseline's mood switched from angry to concerned, and she tugged at Bellamy's sleeve to get him to back away.

"Bellamy Blake? They're looking everywhere for you," Raven piped up, taking a stance between the boys. Roseline's hand dropped from Bellamy's sleeve and she looked at him with worried eyes.

"Bell, what does she mean?" Her voice was softer than before, and Bellamy didn't meet her eyes.

"Shut up," he growled at Raven, ignoring Roseline once more.

"He shot Chancellor Jaha," Raven answered, her face holding a disapproving look. Roseline's face dropped along with her heart.

"You what?" Roseline whispered, still staring at her former janitor, who was now apparently a killer. Bellamy's demeanor was stone and emotionless. Roseline began to put the puzzle together, and the more she thought about it, the more it made sense. He came down for Octavia, the one person in the whole world he would die--and kill--for. It also explained the gun and the guard uniform.

"That's why you took the wristbands," Clarke realized, putting the dots together. "needed everyone to think we're dead."

"And that 'whatever the hell we want'? You just cared about saving your own skin," Finn added with a scowl.

Bellamy shook his head and walked off, but Raven wasn't going to have it.

"Hey, shooter! Where's my radio?" she called, following after him and stepping in front of him.

"Get out of my way."

"Where is it?"

"I should've killed you when I had the chance," Bellamy said, his hands balled at his sides. Raven raised an eyebrow, unbothered.

"Really? Well, I'm right here," she responded back, her voice equally low and challenging.

Roseline yelped when Bellamy suddenly snatched Raven and shoved her against a tree, his hand cutting into her throat. What really scared her was the fact that as he did that, Raven whipped out a pocket knife and pointed it directly at his neck, reminding the scientist of the Grounder encounter.

The pair stared at each other with danger in their eyes, and Roseline concluded that this combo was way worse than Finn and Bellamy could have ever been.

"Where's my radio?" Raven demanded once more.

"Okay, stop it," Clarke ordered, glaring at both of them. Roseline watched as Bellamy hesitated, then roughly releasing his grip and walking off again.

"Jaha deserved to die, and you all know that," he commented over his shoulder.

"Yeah, he's not my favorite person either. But he isn't dead," Raven retorted, dusting herself off of the tree. Bellamy stopped in his tracks and turned around with his lips parted.

"He's not?" Roseline spoke up. 

Raven shook her head and shot daggers at Bellamy.

"No, your boy here is a lousy shot."

If Roseline hadn't been so relieved that Bellamy didn't kill the chancellor, she would've immediately corrected Raven, but at that moment, she didn't care. She was just glad that Bellamy wasn't a stone-cold killer.

"Bell, you know what this means, right?" Roseline gave him a small smile, despite the fact that she was still upset with his actions. "You're not a murderer. You're a protector, and you've always done what was needed to protect Octavia. Now, you can do it again by telling us where the radio is."

She focused long on his conflicted eyes. A memory of them having a staring contest on the floor of the lab flashed through her mind, and goosebumps fell down her spine. She remembered how the sunlight from the lab window had hit his eyes just right, and how he squinted for a second to adjust to the light. She watched as those once average brown eyes suddenly swirled and sparkled with gold, leaving Roseline speechless for just a moment. The only difference between then and now was that Bellamy's didn't sparkle. They were dark and hollow with what Roseline could only guess was pain.

"It's too late," he murmured, still locked on Roseline.

"What do you mean?" Clarke questioned. Bellamy broke away from Roseline with guilt in his eyes.

"It's in the river."

"Well," Roseline smiled hopefully, clapping her hands. "I guess it's a good thing we know some people that can help you search for it!"


A/N: it's kinda short but oh whale!! hope you guys enjoyed this one!! i had fun writing it!! thank you for voting and reading!! sorry for the slow updates haha but i'll be on winter break soon!

anyways, happy reading!!


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