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"Wow, so you're really going to do that then?" Gemma asked.

At the moment, she and Ruben were sitting in the living room drinking wine after dinner with Zayn and Harry. The kids had just been put to bed fifteen minutes ago.

"Yep. We are. But it isn't going on TV just yet. So it's not that big of a deal." Harry said.

"It isn't going on TV?"

"No. This is a trial filming."

"Really? I had no idea they did that."

"It's mostly for Zayn. He's been uneasy. I'm trying to get him to come around."

Zayn looked at him with a soft smile. "And it isn't working."

"Hey, I've still got time. This is a two month thing."

Zayn put his glass on the table so he could lean on Harry, who welcomed him into his arms.

"What about the kids?" Ruben asked.

"What about them?"

"Do they like it?"

"Charlie couldn't care less about those people." Zayn said with a chuckle. "And of course Nema likes the camera. She is a camera magnet. Loves pictures and loves taking them. Wouldn't be surprised if she grows up to be a photographer or something."

"That would be quite artistic."


Gemma sipped her wine. "Well, if she ever decides to make a business out of that, just remind her that her aunt Gemma is a beautician and knows how to build a business from the ground up and sustain it. So does her Pa because he learned from Mom. But aunt Gemma is unique because she can show her how to thrive as a female entrepreneur."

"Can't deny that." Harry chuckled out.


"That sounds wonderful but for now, one thing at a time. There's so much we have to teach her about life in general before we get to all the hard stuff." Zayn closed his eyes with a soft sigh. "Ugh."

"You sound stressed about it." Gemma pointed out.

"A little. I've been trying new routines around the house lately."

"Strange routines, I might add." Harry said.

"Babe, it's not that strange. It's just a new after-breakfast routine for Nema. And she's getting there."

"Yeah, but I'm talking about you telling Marie you were doing the shopping tomorrow."

He frowned and sat up to look at him. "That is not strange. It's normal."

"For some people."

"And that includes me. I did my own shopping before I married you, you know."

"Yeah. But now you're married to me."

The look Zayn gave him made Harry pull him back onto him. "Don't look at me like that."

"I have to. It's the only way you understand that I don't like when you think like that."

Gemma and Ruben smiled at each other. "Well, just so you know. If you ever need some time alone, Ruben and I don't mind taking care of the kids. We know you're so busy and things get hectic but we're always here. Just because we got married, that doesn't make it any different from before."

"I know." Zayn said. "We just don't want to be a burden."

"You won't. Trust me. We've already made up our minds that kids aren't in our future plans. So we'll take them for as long as you need."

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