Finale Pt 3 (FINAL PART)

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Josh Woke up before Sam with her lying on top of him. He slowly moved from under her, pulled up his underwear and walked into the bathroom to get a shower. Shortly later the sun shined in the room illuminating the bed. Sam woke up with the warm sun on her skin. She rubbed her eyes and fixed her hair and put it in a ponytail. She walked over to the window and opened it. An instant chill was sent down her spine as she overlooked the valley. Beautiful pines trees covered in snow, animals scurrying around the snow.

She put on a pair of underwear, pajama pants, and a long sleeve shirt that went down past her waist. She sang a little song to herself as she starred outside the window while smiling.

Goodbye to my Santa Monica dream
Fifteen kids in the backyard drinking wine
You tell me stories of the sea
And the ones you left behind
Goodbye to the roses on your street
Goodbye to the paintings on your wall
Goodbye to the children we'll never meet
And the ones we left behind
And the ones we left behind
I'm somewhere, you're somewhere
I'm nowhere, you're nowhere
You're somewhere, you're somewhere
I could go there but I don't
Rob's in the kitchen making pizza
Somewhere down in Battery Park
I'm singing songs about the future
Wondering where you are
I could call you on the telephone
But do I really want to know?
You're making love now to the lady down the road
No I don't, I don't want to know
I'm somewhere, you're somewhere
I'm nowhere, you're nowhere
You're somewhere, you're somewhere
I could go there but I don;t
Goodbye to my Santa Monica dream
Fifteen kids in the backyard drinking wine
You will tell me stories of the sea
And the ones you left behind
And the ones we left behind.."

Josh had been standing behind Sam for only a few seconds but it was long enough for him to hear her sing. He slowly approached her and hugged her from behind.

"Hi baby~" Josh said gently rocking back and forth. They two stood there a few minutes kissing each other until Mike busted through the door shirtless.

"Yo love birds come down for breakfast!" He said leaning against the door

"And try not to moan as loud as you did last night~" Mike said snicking and winking.

"Ah screw you Mike!~" Sam said grabbing her pillow and throwing at Mike, causing the three of them to all laugh.

"But c'mon down we have waffles!" Mike said walking down the hall into the kitchen. Josh put on a shirt and started walking with Sam down the hall to see everyone talking and sitting at the breakfast bar chatting. Jess looked over at the two and waved.

"Hey Darlings saved two seats for you guys over here! Jess said pointing to two seats next to her.

Sam and Josh walked over to the seats and Chris handed them a plate of waffles with powdered sugar, maple syrup, and strawberries.

"Of course. Chris's Famous (among us) Waffles!" Josh shouted at Chris.

"You know it bro!" Ashley playfully Punched Chris's arm and rolled her eyes.

"Sooo.. How was your guy's night?~" Emily said smirking looking at Sam and Josh. Then everyone's attention was diverted to them, except Chris who was stuffing his face with more waffles.

"Yea I bet it was HOT~" Jess said smiling. Josh and Sam were completely flustered at this.

"Okay fine you caught us!" Sam said dropping her fork on her plate. The entire group continued eating after Josh and Sam's embarrassment the group all got their showers, got dressed and went outside. Everyone spent the entire day outside, having a massage snowball fight, Building Snowmen, Making Snow angels. Jess even found some yellow snow (ew)

They spent the rest of the night sitting by the fire place terribly singing Christmas songs laughing at everyone's parody. They ate dinner and all went to bed.

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