Stay with me

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Sam felt as if she had been taken to another world. A world where Josh was actually someone she could trust. Seeing him in public made her want to freak out. Everyone was still looking at the two waiting for something to happen. But nothing did Until Sam made the decision to run. Not away but at Josh. 

Josh was surprised at her sudden movement and backed up slightly as Sam jumped onto him crying her heart out. Josh didn't know how to feel about her sudden decision. He was alone for so long also. But he knew deep down that Sam hated him for everything he did to her. He manipulated her into trusting him. But when he revealed himself, Her world turned dark.

Her passion at the time of his reveal of being a psychopath had changed to vengeance. But when Emily ran into the lodge screaming about the Wendigo, Her passion again changed to Survival and nothing more. Now she spends time alone in isolation. Just like.. JOSH.

"H-Hey.. D-did you miss me..?"Josh wrapped his arms around her not letting go of her. If Josh ever went out he would only wear a hoodie that way no one noticed who he was. And it worked well. 

"I was alone for so long.." A bunch of people had crowed around them to see what was going on. It made the both of them a bit embarrassed to see a crowd of people watching their every move. After a while of just sitting there together security eventually came and had to escort them out because they were causing a big scene and crowding up too much space with people surrounding them.

They both walked out the store not talking to each other until they got outside. "So uhh.. y-you mind giving me a ride..? I walked here.." Josh said nervously to Sam who was already tense about the whole situation. But she agreed without question. Josh got into the seat next to Sam as she started the car, More Christmas tunes played in the background as the entire car ride was silent Until Sam spoke.

"So what were you doing in the store anyways..?" She asked curiously. Josh then gave her a smart-ass answer. "Well just buying food that way I don't starve to death. So the usual~" Josh had that same "Happy fun-time" mood that he always had, even after his sisters died. Sam giggled at his joke which made Josh fluster slightly. If anyone could Make her smile again it would be Josh.

"Same for me" Sam said responding to Josh. "My place is just a few blocks down Samm-Sam!" Sam looked over at Josh abruptly. 

"Did you call me..Samm-"Josh interrupted Sam before she could even finish her sentence. "Yea I did.. Sorry about that.." Josh's face was now more red than it ever was before. The rest of the car ride went silent from there on out until Sam pulled up into Josh's driveway.

Josh looked at Sam and chuckled, grabbing the door of the car. "I guess this is my stop isn't it..? Heh.. I'll catch up with you sometime in the future my darling..~ But for now I miss forbid you farewell.." His words became quiet as he grabbed his groceries and closed the car door. Great.

Now Sam was all alone again. She didn't want to be alone again. Especially after finding Josh after all these years. She also grabbed her groceries from the car and opened up her door. 

"Josh wait!" Sam shouted at Josh, his attention now focused on her.

"Uh.. Y-yea..?"Josh asked curiously. It took a while to get the words from the back of her brain through her mouth, but she managed.

"Can I stay with you..?"

(So I wanted to make a new story instead of Chris and Ashley why not a Sam and Josh one?Besides i've already made one! But I don't want to keep writing UD Fan-fics. After I  finish this one a new one will be in the works! HINT: STILL HE KILLS. So I'm gonna start making longer chapters starting now. And next chapter MIGHT have smut..~)

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