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Yuuri's POV

My 5th grade year, that's where it all began....

The school year is coming to an end already.... I can't believe I let another year fly by without making any friends.

My weight isn't going to help me any either. I know I'm only 10 years old, but I suppose working out at a younger age will make it easier for me. Trying out for sports at the beginning of next school year should help with my popularity too.

"Yuuri, come on, if you dont hurry up, I'm not holding the bus for you!" Mari yelled upstairs to me. She's a junior in Highschool right now. We're so far apart in age that we usually don't associate much with each other at school, or home for that matter, but she's still nice to me. Well, as nice as a sassy older sister can get.

"I'm coming, just a sec!!" I yelled back. "Now where did I put my shoes??"


I've gone to schools in Japan, but American schools are what I'm more used to by now. There's a variety of different people in America than in Japan, so I don't go two seconds without hearing a new accent, or seeing someone who looks completely different from me.

I complained about not having friends before, but it's not like I have none. They're just not in the same grade. My friend Phichit, from Thailand, is in 2nd grade, and my friend Yuuko, who's also from Japan, is in 7th grade. So I really don't get to see either of them much.

Currently, we have five days left of school, and the day is nearing the end. I'd say we have about an hour or so left in the day, but I'm just guessing. I'm not that great at reading clock hands, as embarrassed as I am to admit.

"Attention, would all 5th graders report to the Cafeteria at this time, please and thank you."

Right, I forgot. Today is the day that all the 5th graders go on their tour through the middle school. I don't know much about the middle school, so I'm a little nervous, considering social interaction is my worst enemy.

Yuuko says theres a lot of cute guys in middle school, but that's all I know. Not that I should be interested in that. That just means more people will be better than me and rub it in my face.

Heading down the halls with my fellow classmates took longer than usual, maybe because I'm nervous.


"We'll announce your groups in alphabetical order, according to your tour guide's name."

I wasn't really listening to what the teacher below said, since I was too busy trying to hide my face. Apparently without even knowing, time had flown by quickly along with the words coming out of the teacher's mouth, because it had come to the last tour guide, and only three other students remained in the stands with me.

"Lastly, Viktor Nikiforov's group will be Eliza Schuylam, Astian Michaels, Kusuki Saiko, and Yuuri Katsuki."

I looked up hearing my name, along with some other classmates that I knew had no relation to me whatsoever. When I did, what I saw amazed me. The most beautiful angel on this planet stood before my eyes.

"Hello, nice to meet you all, my name is Viktor Nikiforov." He smiled at us, as we all stood in front of him. His accent was so eccentrically beautiful. I didn't even know what kind of accent it was, since I'm only 10, but I didn't care.

A hand was on my shoulder, tearing me from my thoughts, "You ready to go?" My face went bright red, as I saw a flash of long beautiful silver hair engulf my vision. His voice was right in my ear, as I heard him chuckle a little, "Well? The group is waiting. I'd love to stand here with you all day, but we do have places to be, да?"

I quickly nodded, trying to hide my face when he let go and started leading the group. I heard the other kids snickering a little, covering their mouths to disguise their laughs.

"Enough giggling, you three, it's not very polite to laugh at other's. I'll let you know, I not very tolerant of bullies. So please, be nice to my little piglet, now won't you?"

Oh. My. God. He just winked at us and they all immediately shut up. He really is an angel! No... he's not an angel... he's more like a God. A glittering God, out of everyone's reach.

Never once did I imagine my first crush would be on a guy. At 10 years old, I'm questioning my sexuality for the first time.

I wonder if I'll survive...


Word Count: 794

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