Jonah Beck x reader (panic attack)

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As we all know Jonah is going through panic attacks..... I mean in this you're Marty from the Party's adopted sister! (Not like he's in this much...) last thing, if non of you guys know (Y/s/n) means Your ship name.

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

I want to avoid Marty for just a little while, so I go to a place he doesn't know that well, the Spoon. I met Andi, Buffy, Cyrus, and Jonah there! They're awesome, Buffy is competitive with Marty. It's cute. Anyways when I walked in, I see no one I know in there, so I just walked away and see Jonah in the distance. He sat down on the curb kinda fast, I run over to him and say "hey Jonah!" He looks up at me, breathing fast. My eyes widen and I sit down next to him "Jonah, it's going to be okay! U-ummm" I look around for help.

Everyone that seen us just walked by, so I just hugged him, he hugged back after a minute. His breathe evened out, so I let go of the hug and ask "what just happened?" He looks nervous to tell me. Then he gets the courage to say "I... I started having panic attacks" I gasp and hug him again. I think he needs it, if he's dealing with this "what brought this on? When did it all start?" "At Cyrus' bar mitzvah. I seen Andi dancing with another dude" I look down, processing what he said "Jonah why didn't you tell one of us?" I ask.

He looks up at me with glossy eyes "I-I couldn't!" He yells as some tears fall down his cute face. Okay so what, I like the dude?! Satisfied?? I sigh and put my arm around his shoulders. I chuckle and say "Andi is probably just making new friends, I don't think she knows what you're going through." I look up at him as he looks back at me, we stare into eachothers eyes for about a minute. Then he smiles and says "thanks for helping me (Y/n)... oh and one other thing" I then ask "and what's that?" "Some dude has been calling you for the past minute." I look to where he's pointing and see Marty, oh god I'm in for alot of teasing.

I shake my head and say "I'll see you later Jonah, bye!" I wave, he waves back, and I run over to Marty. He smirks and says "did you have fun?" I roll my eyes and say "did you ask Buffy out yet?" He lost his smirk. I chuckle and say "I thought so, come on let's go" I walk further down the sidewalk and he shortly follows after me. We talked while we walked, but then I ditched him and ran back to find Jonah while Marty looked for me. I'm not gonna leave Jonah a minute after he tells me that he has panic attacks, I don't think any friend would. I look around the park, he's on a swing just sitting there, I go up to him and say "hey Jonah."

I scared him, I only know that because he jumped "you scared me" "I know, didn't meant too. But I promise I won't tell anyone about what happened before on the curb, you can count on that." He smiles and say "thanks, oh and another thing-" "that dude isn't back is he?" I interrupt looking around. He laughs and says "no, but I've been wondering if.... maybe we can be more than friends?" I look back at him. His face held hope and scaredness, is he kidding? I try to see him smile, but he doesn't 'oh my god he's not kidding.' I smile and say "of course! I've liked you for like, the longest time!" He laughs and I sit down on the swing next to him.

He gets up and starts pushing me, I laugh and say "this is the best day!" He laughs too and says "yeah!" Then in the distance I see the gang. After that I jump off and perfectly land on my feet "Jonah come on! I can see the gang up ahead." He looked surprised by me jumping, but caught up with me, and then grabbed my hand. I smile and say "maybe we should get something matching? Like a necklace, or a bracelet." Both of our eyes widen when I said that "okay maybe not a bracelet" we laugh and then walk in the Spoon. The gang is sitting there looking at us weird "oh stop your staring, but did you guys get the taters?" Cyrus nods.

Turns out they caught on with what happened between us, so we didn't really hide much, and then we got teased. Only one part of the teasing that I liked was "I guess Jandi isn't gonna be coming anytime soon.

Hello (Y/s/n)!"


If you ask me too short, so very, very, short now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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