Phil walked to the kitchen to grab a snack when he noticed the trash can was starting to get full. He sighed and concluded that if he didn't take it out right now, he wouldn't want to do it more tomorrow, neither would Dan. He tied the ends of the bag together and pulled it out the can. The bag swung slightly, brushing against Phil's leg.


He recoiled in pain, holding the bag away from his body.

"What the hell..." He whispered. Phil pressed a hand on his painful limb. "Something just stabbed me..."

He dropped the bag and analysed the side that had touched his leg. He saw a very thin metallic thing piercing through the plastic. Confused, he untied it and searched for the whole object inside the bag.

Phil's eyes widened with shock when he pulled a syringe out of the bag. His mind shut down for a second, and when he could control it again, he found only one logical explanation. Phil fumed with rage.

"DANIEL HOWELL!" Phil yelled, scurrying out the kitchen with the syringe in hand.

Dan, in the living room, heard Phil's voice just like he was next to him. His body tensed when Phil stormed in the room, his face red with anger.

"Can you explain to me what the hell that is?!" He exclaimed to Dan, waving the syringe in the air.

Dan's heart stopped beating. He had forgotten about the syringe in the trash can. How had Phil found it? Had he searched through the rubbish?!

"Uh..." was all Dan managed to get out.

"What is it!?" Phil screamed again, insistent.

"I don't know..." Dan lied.

Phil shook his head in disappointment and anger. He licked the inside of his upper lip and opened back his mouth.

"You've been lying to me since the moment I stepped in this room!" He fumed.

"No..." He lied again.

"Quit lying to me, Dan!" Phil stomped his foot. "A freaking syringe stabbed me when I tried to take out the trash! I'm pretty sure it wasn't there when I left!"

Phil was furious. He was staring straight into Dan's eyes, trying to get something out of him. Dan was petrified. Phil was rarely that angry. He didn't know what Phil thought of the syringe, but he knew he would find out very soon.

"I'm so... disappointed in you!" Phil said.

"What did I do?!" Dan defended himself.

Phil laughed humourlessly.

"Don't act like you don't know, Dan Howell, because I'm not finding this funny at all! Stop your little act! Right now!"

"Phil... I don't know what you-"


Dan froze. Phil never swore. Ever. He only did when he was very, very angry. Phil's features were twisted with rage and his face had never been that red. Even though Dan didn't fear anything anymore and that killing innocent people was now something as easy as clicking his fingers, Phil didn't fail to scare the crap out of him.

"You've been doing drugs all this time?!"

There he went. Dan thought it was pretty much the only thing Phil could deduce from finding a syringe in their trash can. He didn't blame him. Once again, if this could lead Phil to a different path and take him away from the pattern, Dan was ready to dive straight in.

"Well... I..." Dan sputtered, acting like Phil's assumptions were true.

"I can't believe that all this time... Drugs?! Dan! Why on earth?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

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