Unit 4

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Disclaimer: This story contains violence, gore, sexual content and strong language. Subjects covered might trigger some. If you are very sensible or easily offended, please abstain from reading.

Dan stayed in his bed all day. Phil made several stops to his bedroom and found a peacefully sleeping Dan each time. He slept for a good 10 hours, waking up at 6PM. His thoughts were consumed by the mission his mind had given him to accomplish. Phil came back to Dan's room at about 6:30 to look after him. He had just cooked himself dinner and proposed Dan some food since he hadn't eaten anything since the food poisoning incident, but Dan still looked kind of pale according to Phil and so when he refused again, pleading he was still feeling sick and therefore unable to swallow anything, he simply nodded, whispered a quiet "if you need anything I'm in my room", and went to eat alone.

The next day, Dan woke up at a decent hour in the morning. About 10AM. He probably looked less pale and sick than the last few days because Phil greeted him in the living room with a charming "Morning, wow, you look way better today!"

Dan nodded and sat down next to Phil. He was watching TV, but nothing really interesting ever played at this time of the day, so the news was on. Phil was devouring a bowl of cereal and when he noticed Dan glancing at it, he turned to him and asked: "Now do you want me to make you something? I reckon you haven't eaten anything since that day you collapsed on the floor." He laughed lightly. "So?"

Dan considered Phil for a moment. If he didn't eat anything, Phil would be suspicious that something wasn't quite right.

"I can't let him have suspicions. I have to eat, I still have to act normal."

He grabbed Phil's head and plunged it into his cereal bowl. He held his head tight and Phil struggled to get some air. The milk was getting into his nostrils and mouth and cereals stuck in his nose, stopping him from breathing. Dan let his hand go of Phil's head. He took his face out of the bowl, taking in deep breaths as the milk and cereals poured on his knees and on the floor. Dan grasped Phil's head once again before he could run and smacked it against the coffee table. He knocked his head against the table again and again, until he heard Phil's bones break and blood spilled from every inch of his face.

Dan blinked.

"I'm starving." He said.

"Alright." Phil replied, getting up. "What about some eggs and toasts?"

"Sounds great."

Phil left the living room. He came back about ten minutes later with a large plate full of eggs and toasts just for Dan. He put it on the table in front of him and sat back on the sofa.

"Thanks." Dan thanked.

He took his fork and started eating. Dan ate silently and Phil took his laptop and started browsing the Internet. The TV was still on with the news playing. A man with a nice suit was sitting in front of a desk. He was tightly holding his papers in his hands.

"A young woman has been reported missing." The man said.

Dan opened wide eyes. "That was quick." He thought.

Phil lifted his eyes from his laptop screen to look at the TV. They both listened carefully.

"Agana Baldwin, 19 years old, has been missing for over 24 hours. Her parents, Vivian and Stan Baldwin, were instantly alarmed when they found out their daughter wasn't in her bed the day they alerted the local police. They claimed Agana was an exemplary daughter, that whenever she left she would tell someone and that she always answered her phone. After finding no notes, they called Agana several times without getting any answers. They waited the whole day in hope to see their daughter come back, but she never did. If you see her, please contact the police immediately."

A picture of Agana was displayed as well as a description of her and what she might possibly be wearing. The same long brown hair and deep blue eyes he saw the night he murdered her. In the description, they said she "might be wearing a grey pyjama shirt, black leggings, a mid-thigh red coat and a white scarf".

Dan couldn't have seen the grey pyjama shirt and hardly noticed the black leggings. He only remembered the red coat and the white fluffy scarf. He retained himself from laughing out loud. He was surprised how quick they reported her missing, but he wanted to laugh hysterically because he knew nobody would find her. They still thought she was alive. He clenched his teeth not to laugh. "She's dead! Dead!" he thought, cackling under his breath. "How dead is she? Hella!"

"That's horrible."


Dan swiflty turned his head to Phil.

"This is so horrible!" Phil repeated, pointing the TV screen in a sloppy move. "People going missing, it's just horrible. It's worse than them being dead! Like if they got murdered or something, the family's got the body and they can mourn the loss. But when they're missing, it's like; they're living in constant fear and anxiety. 'Am I ever going to see her again?' It's like they can never be in peace. If you know they're dead, you know nothing else can happen. But when they're missing, you just don't know anything."

"I guess..." Dan simply spoke.

Phil took a deep breath.

"Whoever did whatever happened to Agana Baldwin is disgusting. She might be dead as we speak!" Phil seemed genuinely frustrated. "Hopefully it's just some teenage runaway."

Dan simply nodded. His envy of laughter grew bigger inside of him, and he forced harder to keep it in.

"He's so innocent." Dan thought. "He doesn't understand. He doesn't know what it's like. If only he listened to the voice in his head a little bit more."

But Dan knew he had to keep it cool. He wouldn't want to blow his cover right now, it was too soon. The pattern had only begun, still 15 people needed to be eliminated.

"I can't let Phil suspect anything about me, neither my subscribers nor other Youtubers. I have to keep the routine. Make videos, attend, YouTube or not, events I'm invited to, interact with the fans, do live shows, go to the radio show... I just have to plan my schedule. Busy man at day, murderer at night."

Dan couldn't help but crack up a little bit.

"What's so funny?" Phil asked.

"Oh, I didn't laugh." Dan lied. "I coughed... E-egg went down the wrong tube."

Phil had a little laugh.

"Well, that was good but I'm full." Dan said referring to his breakfast. "Thanks for that. I think I'll just go film my new video."

"Alright." Phil said.

Dan took his plate and left the living room. "Busy man at day, murderer at night," he thought again. He chuckled to himself once again.

He went to the kitchen to throw away the remaining food and leave the plate into the dishwasher before going back to his bedroom. He took his camera and set it in front of him.

At first, he didn't really know what to talk about. But the idea came to him. "Yeah... It's perfect!"

About an hour later, Dan had finished recording. It was all part of the plan.

"Psycho thoughts..." This video would prove his subscribers that everyone had those thoughts, it was normal and that he would obviously never commit these preposterous crimes. Talking about this thing called "l'appel du vide" how it was normal and that as long as you didn't listen to it you would be fine, and how he would obviously never listen to it because he was obviously a very sane and non-psychotic human being.

Of course his subscribers wouldn't suspect a thing. Who would suspect a 23 years old good-looking Internet sensation of brutally murdering innocent people? Nobody.

Besides, what did he have to fear right now? Nothing. No prooves were incriminating him in any way for the moment. He was just preparing for the future.

Preparing for revolution.

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