Unit 11

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little valentine's day gift! hope you all had a great day! and as usual, thanks for sticking around and i hope you like this chapter! oh and ps, sorry for anyone who wanted to read the book i mention in this chapter, there's like huge spoilers (but i doubt you'll ever read it) anyway see for yourself! see ya!

Disclaimer: This story contains violence, gore, sexual content and strong language. Subjects covered might trigger some. If you are very sensible or easily offended, please abstain from reading.

The cold air whipped Dan’s face as he walked dangerously fast. He couldn’t stand Phil, he couldn’t stand his assumptions, he couldn’t stand his blindness anymore.

His hands shoved deeply into his coat pocket and his hair flying around at the rhythm of the icy wind, he walked. A millions thoughts were battling inside his head, and it felt like a mess. He just wanted to calm himself down. But the thoughts maddened him even more.

Phil had discovered something. Dan knew it would happen. Phil knew him too well, he couldn’t just make an important change in his life without telling his best friend and expect him not to notice. He knew Phil was good to notice flagrant attitude modifications, but he knew he never mastered the art of finding what it was. In this situation, Dan found it ironic, because, honestly, who would just assume their best friend was a mass murderer?

But this time, Dan thought Phil’s assumptions broke records of ridiculousness.

“I’m just not sure if that thing is doing you any good.” He heard Phil’s voice resonate inside his mind. “I mean, it seems to be bringing you down a little…”

Dan heard his own maniac laughter echo throughout his head. He liked the feeling of watching Phil dance under his nose, trying to find what made Dan so… different than usual. But at the same time, he wished he could just tell him, to prove him.

“Look, Phil, I am revolution! Change is going to come! THIS WORLD IS GOING TO SEE A NEW LIGHT, IT’S GOING TO BE PURIFIED!”

“Dan, are you kidding me?”


Dan’s body rammed into something. He was propelled back slightly. He heard something hit the ground, and his thoughts vanished like steam and allowed him to witness the world in front of him.

“Oh my God! I’m so sorry!”

A very beautiful lady stood in front of him. Her hair was jet black, thick red lipstick covered her lips and her deep blue eyes shone under the moonlight. A book and a keyset were in front of her on the pavement, and Dan frenetically looked at them, then at her again. He had no idea what had just happened or where she came from, but the only thing he knew is that he struck his fist right on her nose. He grabbed her long black hair in his hands and wrapped it around her neck. He pulled on it tightly, until the woman’s face turned as blue as her irises, and until the only thing that shone in her eyes wasn’t life but Dan’s satisfied silhouette, as the number sixteen slowly traced itself on her flesh.

“I’m very sorry!” She exclaimed again, covering her mouth with her hands. “I didn’t see you there… I must be blind!”

Dan’s heart banged hard against his chest.

“It’s okay…” Dan stammered. “Everyone’s a little blind…”

They both leaned down to pick up her belongings. Their hands touched, and the lady’s cheeks turned a flaming red. She grabbed her keys and Dan took her book. They stretched back up again and faced each other.

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