Chapter 11

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Jimin collected a handful of Jungkook's shirt and tried to stop him from moving so Jungkook stood still and faced my brother. "You're dating my sister?" Jimin shouted in Jungkook's face as he raised his fist to punch him again. Jungkook rolled his eyes and caught Jimin's fist in his open hand before replying.

"No, but she was clearly uncomfortable with that guy, so I stepped in since no-one else was taking control of the situation." He spoke in a calm voice but the anger that was inside of him caused his words to come out shaky and almost choked up. "Now, can you stop trying to hit me and we can all enjoy this dinner, for Y/N's sake. It's her birthday meal." He dropped my brother's hand before making his way back to his chair and sitting next to me. I pulled him into a tight hug and whispered thank you into his ear as I directed my attention to everyone else that was still stood, surrounding the table.

"Can we just forget that happened?" I said quietly, asking for everyone's attention. "I just want to have food with my favourite people- all of you" My eyes avoided theirs as I looked at my hands that rested in my lap. I twirled my thumbs around while I waited for everyone to sit then I could enjoy the food in front of me.

Once we were all finished eating, Chen Xi and I paid for the food while the boys waited outside. We stepped out and the tension from inside followed us as we reached the group surrounding Jimin and Jungkook, each of their arms held back by the other members. "I'm not going to hit him." Jimin said with a growl as he stared at Jungkook who was stood calmly, knowing that even if he did try to hit him, Jimin's punches weren't hard enough to hurt him. I stepped in between them and took a hold of Jimin's hand and pushed him into the back of his car. As we all grouped into our cars, Chen sat with Jimin while Jungkook and I sat in the front. Jungkook drove us home and joined us inside.

Chen and I dragged each of the boys into the living room and sat them next to each other on the couch, Jimin scoffed as Jungkook sat next to him so I slapped the back of his head. "You need to stop oppa." I whined to Jimin as he rolled his eyes, "Jungkook and I aren't dating, he was just helping me out." He raised an eyebrow as if he didn't believe me so, I told him about the note from Jaemin and what he said when he placed my food down and how close he was and the contact he was giving me. Jimin sighed as he realised how oblivious everyone was to this happening and turned to face Jungkook.

"I'm sorry. You were just protecting Y/N when I failed to." He stood up and pulled Jungkook with him before pulling him into an embrace, "Thank you." He whispered then released the younger man staring at him with a smile on his face.

"Can I punch you back?" He laughed, earning a slap on the back of the head from Jiminsii as he joined him in laughter.

Chen and I left the room to let them clear the air and we headed up to my bedroom to get ready for the night out she had planned for me

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Chen and I left the room to let them clear the air and we headed up to my bedroom to get ready for the night out she had planned for me. I sat on my bed and swung my legs as she collected the outfit I'd brought a while ago ready for me to change into. We quickly got ready before finishing off our hair and light make up. Once we were ready, we sat back on my bed as we watched the minutes go by. "So, what the fuck happened at that dinner?" Chen laughed and I shook my head and giggled back. I explained to her what happened with Jungkook the other day and how he was getting jealous of Tae kissing me, she brought me in close and cuddled me, "I told you he likes you. He wouldn't get so jealous and try punching TWO people if he didn't care about you!" I punched her arm then hid my head in my hands.

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