Chapter 40

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"My parents are coming home tomorrow. Im taking my mum and the girls dress shopping." He nodded, before questioning.

"The girls?"

"Oh my god, Jennie, Lisa, Róse and Jisoo." His mouthed opened in a little 'o' shape, realising who I meant. They're really the only female friends I have now. "I've already told them that the ceremony is only immediate family, but that they're welcome to join the after party." I clarified, knowing we wanted it to be as private as possible.

We spent a few minutes just talking, talking about how excited we were, how happy we made each other, how ready we were to begin the rest of our lives. Jungkook made my feel whole, my heart was content when I was with him. We kissed softly before I turned my back to him, his body mirroring mine and firing comfortable behind me, his arm draping over my waist.

"Goodnight jagi, I love you." He kissed the back of my head.

"I love you too Jungkook-ah." I pulled his hand up to my face, kissing him quickly before tucking myself deeper into his embrace. "Sweet dreams."

My dress was perfect. My mother was crying when she came home, crying while I tried on dresses, crying when I chose one and now, we're sat in our living room, my dad cuddling her on the sofa as she's still crying to herself.

"Mum, have some water. I'm afraid you'll be dehydrated after today." I tapped her shoulder, she looked over before accepting the glass.

"You're going to be such a good wife Y/N! I'm so proud of you!" She wept, finally seeming to gain some sort of control of her emotions. "Jungkook is handsome, and he's always been so polite when he visited. You're lucky." She smiled, I agreed, a soft blush painting my cheeks.

"I know."

"Y/N." My dad spoke, he'd been pretty quiet since they arrived. "Is Jimin walking you down the aisle?" He scratched the back of his head. I hadn't asked him yet as I wasn't 100% sure if they'd be home.

"He can't. He's Jungkook's best man." I rolled my eyes. Out of all the members, my brother has to be on Jungkook's side for the wedding, as if I've got a lot of people to be inviting. "But, I would love if you would walk me?" I asked, he smiled instantly.

"I'd be honoured." He stood to give me a hug, finally leaving mum to comfort herself. "I'm so proud of the person you've become. Jungkook is a lucky man." He stroked my hair, my head resting against his chest. I always felt safe when my dad cuddled me, the same with Jimin, and now with Jungkook too.

My life was filled with men that loved me and would do anything to protect me, even when I didn't need protecting. Some girls don't have that, and I feel awful about that. Every princess deserves at least a king to protect them until their prince comes along.

We spent the evening talking, my parents said telling me all about work and how they've been living abroad. They're happy, but neither of them could stop gushing about how much they miss me and Jimin. He can home later that evening, Jungkook following him in through the front door.

"Y/N? Are you home?" I jumped up from the chair, running out into the hallway with a finger against my lips, hushing him. "Are mum and dad here?" I nodded, walking back into the living room where my parents slept, cuddled up on the sofa. "I bet mum is exhausted." Jimin laughed, seeing the dark circles under her eyes.

"Of course, she has jet lag and was out with me all day, crying every time I tried a dress on." I smiled. "We chose a dress, it's beautiful." I whispered, my smile growing as I remembered how I looked in the mirror.

"I'm sure you're going to look gorgeous." Jungkook said, kissing my forehead, "You could pull off a bin bag with a hole in the top." He laughed, petting my hair softly.

"How come you're here tonight?" I asked, I assumed they'd be staying at the dorms.

"Tonight is the last night we get together as an engaged couple Y/N, I want to cuddle before I'm not allowed to see you tomorrow night." Jungkook reminded me, I had a pout on my lips at the thought, but he quickly gave me a peck, turning my lips back into a shy grin. "Speaking of which, I'm tired, ready for bed?" His hand wrapped tightly around mine, dragging me away before I could get a word out.

"Remember our parents are here!" Jimin whisper shouted as we walked away, Jungkook putting his middle finger up as we walked up the stairs.

We walked into my room, Jungkook dragging me with him as his pace was quicker than mine. He pushed the door shut, gently, before pushing me up against it, holding my head in his hands. "Y/N, I can't believe we're getting married in less than 48 hours... I've been waiting for this for so long." He sighed, content as he pushed his lips softly against my forehead.

"You've been waiting?! Jungkook, I've had a crush on you for the past 3 years!" I laughed, looking up to him and kissing his smiling lips. "I love you, I can't wait to marry you." He grinned, nudging me with his shoulder as if he were shy.

He kissed me hard before pulling away for air, "I love you too Y/N." His lips quickly found mine again, he wasted no time in slipping his tongue into my mouth. A soft moan escaped me, his hands finally leaving my face- one moving to hold my hand, the other resting comfortably on my thigh. He put pressure on my thigh, his hand moving ever so slowly inward, eventually settling on my clothed vagina.

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