An Act Of Lies part 1

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Yukio had gotten me to start cooking with Shemi while everyone else started the fire, we two were a dyamic duo.

"Dinner is served!" I said putting stew in the bowls of the hungry group.

"Wow this is delicious!" Sugouro said.

"Yeah rin you would make a great husband" konekomoru said.

"Well we never know with rin" laughed yukio.  Correct I will fight with yukio and the other's against amaion, but defeat him and I will capture yukio, which  I will use the kurikara to go to gehenna. 

"Okay us every one ready? We will retrieve you must retrieve 1 of the 3 lanterns. " yukio said.

He counted down to 1 amd we ran I shut my light off , so no bug demons came, then I heard shemi's scream. Out of instinct I ran through the bush's and tree branches to where I heard her scream.

"Shemi? Hey!" I dropped to my knee's to check if she was alive but I couldn't see anything but the demon moths flying around.

"disappear I said DISAPPEAR!" Then each and every moth scattered, her head is bleeding amion is real excited.  He wants a fight he will get one but still I will bring yukio home.

"Hey what was that!" Said Sugouro running over through the bush's.

"The churi (demon moths) were swarming shemi so I excorcised them. We should work together but we need shemi back to base camp."

"Ri-Rin what happened?" Shemi said I slowly helped her up

"You got swarmed and I saved you Sugouro came to." I told her

"Thanks you guys" she spatted the dust and dirt off of her.

"Well I couldn't just leave a girl in trouble! " said Sugouro.

"Yeah yeah, hey shemi we should get you to camp and see if your all right" I said, I was worried.

"No im fine just let me summon Nee okay" shemi said, then knelt down looking for her summoning papers.

Then I heard the bush's shuffling

"Watch out something is coming" I said I grabbed my sword and blocked the thing coming toward us. Then bang what ever I hit had a wepon, pink hair... "Shima! Is that you?"

"Oh hey guys I blanked out I thing the bugs are gone".

"Turn off your light dumbass the churchi will come back" said Sugouro then shima turned iff the light, "konekomoru needs our help with the latern.

We walked over to where konekomoru said where it was then heard him shout hey over here .

The latern was a ancient stone latern demon that comes alive when lit but we had decided that bon uses a santra (a anchient chant to keep the seal going while shemi keeps feeding it churchi, I the horsepower push it back to base camp.

"Were back finally!" He said as he crashed to the ground.

"You hardly did anything shima rin was the one who pushed the latern. " said konekomoru.

"...hhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHEEEEEEEYYYYYYY!" said a voice unrecognizable wait its amion... he crashed down from they sky. He was in the middle holding a chain attached to a hobgoblin (weird dog thing with grasping hands teeth).

"Every one get back" yelled Shura then she whissled creating an absolute barrier.

the prince's of GehennaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon