A full family

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"Yukio i have waited to see you it appears you dont have brute but mental strength. What a shame you wasted it on petty things. Now, i guess i have  to reform you, you'll be similar to rin." He grinned, teeth showing sharp fangs.

"Why did you do this?! To me and my brother, even our mother?! You monster I dispise you and hate you!" I screamed before feeling a sharp splacing feeling where mu tail should be and started coughing blood.

"I should explain, to you the same thing i told rin, and rin after learning this wanted revenge from you and Father Fujimoto."

He said the story and reasons why they didnt tell me about my mother.

"I want to live for good and not for evil! I want to be human." I cried, then a beautiful women with similar moles like me appeard and hugged me before i started slipping through the ground.

"Yukio Im sorry but you need to repent your actions and learn your place in this house hold." Said Satan.

"No... Oh God No... Help me!" That was rhe last thing I said before landing in the dungeon, I saw rin out cold with cuts and bruses all over slowly h healing. Amion was screaming. He had spears all over and through his kneck.

"Hey, yukio... Welcome to The party Im so glad you made it." Rin laughed. "I guess things didnt go to well" cough Hack Cough "Or somethin whatever" then he oassed out. And the worst pain ever, a sword in my shoulders and in my legs. But i didn't  yell or cry, I wouldn't give in to satan or anyone.

"Oh yukio your gonna be so much fun! Laughed Satan.

the prince's of GehennaWhere stories live. Discover now