Candle lit blue

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I was walking by to the restaurant when I saw that same guy I punched with a tail horns and a whole Lotta black bugs swarming him and he didn't care.

"Hey Okumura you Remember me? We got to talk okay" I try to walk away but 2 of his gang members hold me and we head to an alley way. "The names Reij Shiratori and I'm gonna buy your silence with money or the nasty way".

I don't need your money leave me alone" I told him. then I got shoved to the ground. Shiratori pulled out a pocket knife.


"Okay let's see eye? tooth?  maybe a cut on the throat?! ka hahaha. He but the knife closer and closer and then on my throat I felt blood.

"Noooo Leave me ALONE" I screamed then  blue flames burst out me in every direction.  Every one ran away.

"Blue flames ... son of Satan I Astaroth, king of Rot has found 1 of youngest brothers.  Father will be awaiting you Young Prince. I shall take you home."

"And are Holy Father sent jesus christ into heaven so he would take all our sins away,  and on the 3rd day he rose AGAIN." said father fujimoto who grabbed had Astaroth's arm and exorcized the boy causing Astaroth out as black dust, and screaming "Danmit you Exorcist! " as Astaroth came spilling out.

"Rin we most be leaving to the church right now!"

"dad what am I?" I knew I should have trusted my gut.

" *sigh*You are a son of a demon your mother human Impregnated by not any demon The King of all demons Satan. After that I can't remember but we were running to the church and the light of the sun had vanished, and so was the Idea of what I was.

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