""You know what I'd like to do now?" Kozmotis asks, voice cracked and hoarse.

"What?" Jack asks, attention focused.

"I'd very much like to hold you." Kozmotis says quietly."

"We can't BOTH last more than a day Koz!"



35. 45. 55. 65. 77. 85. 90.


"He's Jack. He has a laugh that lights everything up, he's mischievous and troublesome and can't stand being bored. He'd rather play games than look at asteroids and likes shades of blue and ridiculous glittery fonts. He worries too much and can make rash decisions. He likes action movies and lives to get reactions from everything around him. He's Jack."

"Jack it's alright, it's alright, just breathe! You're ok, just calm down alright it's me! You're here I've got you."

"I love you."

"You can't have him, he's mine!"

"NO, stop!"

"You really like snow, don't you?"

"You actually downloaded more fonts?"

"He's not just a computer!"


"Jack? Jack are you there?"

"Don't make him, please! I'll do anything, I'll be a guard, just don't make him!"

"Jack? How are you here?"

"I'm going to get you out of here, Koz, just wait, I have a plan, just hold on a little longer."

"Don't take him!"


And he's pulled back to the waking world, and the Tooth Fairy has that confused look on her face. She can't tell what's happening, but she knows he got some memories, she knows, and he couldn't care less, because Jack is right there in front of him.


His Jack.

"Jack-" He's barely aware of anything else, anything but the white haired boy. The boy who knows his secrets, the boy who he spent countless years with, traveled to countless planets, galaxies, stars. The boy he fought with. The boy he loved.


He can feel himself running, can feel tears streaming down his face. It doesn't matter, nothing matters, not the guardians, not his plans, nothing except closing the too wide distance.

He's jerked back, halted. Golden ropes of sand are around his waist and hands. They burn, burn like a thousand suns on his grey skin, but it doesn't matter because they're keeping him from Jack!

"Let me go! Let me go! I have to get to him! I have to! He's Jack! My-my Jack! Please!" His voice is broken, he can practically feel the waves of confusion coming of the guardians, but Jack just stands there, looking confused and lost.

Jack knows him, and now the cruel sneer is gone from his voice, and it's replaced with pleading. This is Pitch Black, the boogeyman, and he's supposed to be fighting him. But his voice, his voice is so familiar, and he's got a look on his face, golden eyes blown wide with longing. Jack knows him, but he's never met him, not that he can remember. It's confusing, more confusing than any of his questions that were never answered, more confusing than the blank space in his mind is, because goddammit I know him!

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