"May I ask you one thing, though?" Seth whispered.

"Of course," Darien whispered back.

"Are you going to see him to get back together?" Seth asked, his face showing no emotion.

"Well, I don't know what he wants to see me for," Darien said. "However, I know I don't want to get into that relationship again. Don't worry. I've got my eyes on someone different."

Darien leaned in and pressed a kiss to Seth's forehead, smiling down at him as he pulled away.

"Be safe," Seth repeated, smiling.

"I will, go back to sleep," Darien said, quickly changing his dirty shirt for one of Seth's. He grabbed his cellphone and made his way out the door.

The walk across campus seemed longer and longer every single time he had to do it. Not only that, but the anticipation to walk into such a tense environment was gut-wrenching. As far as he knew, Andy hadn't slept at all that night, and he had no idea what kind of mindset he was in or what he wanted to talk about. Maybe he shouldn't have gone alone, maybe he shouldn't have gone at all, but he was and he was almost there. He climbed the steps to the apartment building and knocked on the door to Andy's.

"It's open," said Andy's groggy voice from the inside. Darien entered the apartment, slowly pushing the door open and shutting it behind him when he was fully indoors. Andy sat just ahead of him on the couch, staring blankly at the TV, which was playing but muted.

"Andy?" Darien asked quietly. Andy turned his head to face the boy, his eyes bloodshot and his face red and puffy.

"Hello, Darien," Andy said. Darien approached him, sitting down in the chair placed next to the couch. He wasn't really sure what to say, staring down at his feet.

"What.. what happened last night?" Darien asked him.

"I.. I don't know, Darien. I got out of the shower, realized you and your things were gone and what I said and what I had done and I just, I felt.. I felt so terrible," Andy said. "I needed you to come here. I need you to come home. To me."

"Well, I'm here for right now, Andy. I can't stay here permanently," Darien said.

"Please, oh please, Darien! Please come back, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! I need you so bad, I need my baby," Andy pleaded.

"Andy, I'm sorry, I just.. I just don't think I'm in love with you anymore. It really does hurt me to tell you that," Darien said, frowning.

"Why? Why won't you love me, Darien?" At this point, he was in hysterics. "Tell me the truth, Darien!! Why??"

"Because," Darien said, his body starting to get hot. He was anxious. "Because I think I'm in love with someone else."

"Who?!" Andy wailed.

"I.. I think I have feelings for Seth, Andy. I'm sorry."

"Seth? Why Seth? You hated Seth! You hated him! You loved me, Darien! ME!"

"I know, I know I did. I'm just confused, and my feelings are all mushed around and," Darien said. He thought for a second. No more lies. "..I cheated on you, Andy. I'm sorry."

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