He was knocked out of his daze by the sound of movement off to his right.

It was the older man. The King. The one they called Caspian.

He may not have liked the man, or anyone on the ship for that matter but he was not blind to the stares and glances the man gave Dawn. His eyes were always practically glued to the girl. Eustace thought it all very improper of him. This man had to be in his early to mid-twenties and here he was ... lusting, yes that was the right word for it, after a girl of sixteen nearly seventeen. He had spotted Edmund glaring at Caspian at first but then the looks disappeared.

Eustace had a feeling he had missed something big when he ran from the battle with the slavers in the square. The King and his cousin had seemed a bit closer and he spotted many of the crew glancing and smirking at them, knowingly. But what they knew, Eustace didn't. He definitely didn't like not knowing. He may not like her very much, but she was still family and he wasn't going to let this man hurt her if he could help it. Not that he could really do much against the man. He was well over six foot tall and was excellent in combat in what seemed almost every weapon.

Eustace closed his eyes and leaned back, hiding his journal swiftly so as to appear asleep, while actually watching Caspian out of his just slightly open eyes.

He watched as the man slipped on his boots and a rich, red silk coat that was sleeveless with gold detailing along the collar and down both sides of the open front. He ran his hands through his hair a few times before quietly yet quickly making his way out of the room and up onto deck.

Eustace wasted no time in following him up there.

He hid himself from view but made sure he could see the King. He was watching Dawn as she leaned against the edge of the ship, singing. Who was unaware of his presence.

"They can have the world,

we'll create our own.

I may not be brave or strong or smart,

but somewhere in my secret heart,

I know,

Love will find a way,

Anywhere I go I'm home,

If you are there beside me – Caspian!"

Eustace watched as the man walked up behind his cousin and wrapped his arms around her, placing his chin on her shoulder.

"Please don't stop, its been so long since I've heard you sing for me."

"Only if you'll sing with me."

"I.. I don't know..."

"Do you know the song? Its Narnian."

"I know it. After you left I did my best to learn as many Narnian songs and dances as I could."

"There you are then. Sing with me."

"As my Queen desires."

"Anywhere I go, I'm home,

If you are there beside me,

like dark, turning into day."

"Somehow will come through,

now that I've find you."

Their eyes met and they didn't look away as Dawn sang one more line.

"Love will find a way."

Caspian placed both his hands on her face, keeping her gaze solely on him. The men on deck were intently watching their King and the young Queen in interest and fascination. None of them knew this song. Eustace watched on, he had never seen such emotion between a couple, not even in his parents. Not even close. He wasn't too far away so he could see and hear everything perfectly but it was so quiet so no one had any trouble hearing anything.

The Voyage of Dawn's TreaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora